PopMM - 29/01/25 00:01
[00:01] christo0972> wait lol
[00:02] christo0972> :(
[00:02] christo0972> relog
[00:02] christo0972 out
[00:02] HexTheRex out
[00:02] christo0972 in
[00:02] HexTheRex in
[00:03] christo0972> did u forward ports ?
[00:03] christo0972> did h have forwarded ports ?
[00:03] christo0972> nice
[00:05] HexTheRex> nobody has host star today
[00:05] HexTheRex> they removed it
[00:05] HexTheRex> for some reason
[00:05] christo0972> it work a moment
[00:05] christo0972> try
[00:05] christo0972> :)
[00:06] HexTheRex> sometimes it works to quick swap in lower huts because it will sweep dust from the servers
[00:07] [D]Facundol78> WHO 1V1
[00:09] HexTheRex> no pings today
[00:09] HexTheRex> inca
[00:09] [D]Facundol78> join ccp or cristo
[00:09] [D]Facundol78> y
[00:10] christo0972> it worked ?
[00:14] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:14] [AvA]Mibbel in
[00:15] Flermerf in
[00:16] HexTheRex> kopa join
[00:16] HexTheRex> you only can host games
[00:16] [D]Facundol78> saito
[00:16] [D]Facundol78> josep, koopa marcus
[00:16] [D]Facundol78> pm them
[00:18] HexTheRex> x x x x x x x x
[00:19] HexTheRex> wow
[00:20] HexTheRex> the help was found from soviet union
[00:21] [D]Facundol78> no gay map plps
[00:21] [D]Facundol78> walls pref
[00:21] HexTheRex> what is gay map
[00:21] cccp> what map !
[00:21] [D]Facundol78> tom sess wom
[00:21] [D]Facundol78> walls
[00:21] [D]Facundol78 out
[00:21] [AvA]Mibbel> big sess ? lol
[00:22] [D]Facundol78 in
[00:23] [D]Facundol78> wakls
[00:23] christo0972> walls ?
[00:25] adray_tsi out
[00:27] [D]Facundol78 out
[00:27] Bignoobmanfr in
[00:27] [D]Facundol78 in
[00:29] HexTheRex> what happened
[00:29] christo0972> axton left the game
[00:30] [D]Facundol78 out
[00:35] adray_tsi in
[00:38] Updog_TSI in
[00:48] RafaelRafita in
[00:48] RafaelRafita> hola
[00:49] [D]Doom out
[00:51] [D]Josef> hola senor
[00:51] [D]Doom in
[00:52] RafaelRafita> hola estoy viendo como funciona esto soy nuevo
[00:52] [D]Doom> en que te puedo ayudar
[00:52] RafaelRafita> como entro a una partida de espectador?
[00:52] [D]Doom> rafael
[00:52] [D]Doom> puedes hacerlo de dos maneras
[00:52] [D]Doom> 1
[00:52] [D]Doom> que te abran un slot en la partida
[00:53] RafaelRafita> para ver como juegan jijiji
[00:53] [D]Doom> o esperar a que empecie una partida y darle click derecho spectate a game a un jugador que este en game seup
[00:53] [D]Doom> setup*
[00:53] RafaelRafita> ah ok entiendo
[00:53] RafaelRafita> muchas gracias
[00:53] [D]Doom out
[00:53] RafaelRafita> estare leyendo la guia que esta en la pagina
[00:54] [D]Doom in
[00:54] [D]Doom> como encontraste el juego?
[00:54] RafaelRafita> pues lo he pasado como tres veces a lo largo de toda mi vida jaja
[00:54] RafaelRafita> lo encontre en un comentario de youtube
[00:55] [D]Doom> lol
[00:55] [D]Doom> nice
[00:55] RafaelRafita> no sabia que lo jugaban online solo queria pasarmelo denuevo
[00:55] [D]Facundol78 in
[00:55] cccp> 99
[00:55] [D]Doom> pues esta comunidad tiene como 20 años o mas creo
[00:55] [D]Doom> lol
[00:55] [D]Facundol78 out
[00:55] RafaelRafita> la primera vez que jugue este juego fue como a los 12 años xd
[00:56] [D]Doom> yo igual
[00:56] RafaelRafita> que genial bro
[00:56] [D]Doom> me uni recientemente
[00:56] [D]Doom> en junio del año pasado
[00:56] RafaelRafita> perfecto tengo que jugar las campañas para volver acostumbrarme
[00:56] [D]Doom> en realidad fue en 2021 solo jugué dos partida pero lo dejé y en junio el año pasado si vine a full
[00:57] [D]Facundol78 in
[00:57] [D]Doom> de donde eres tal vez podemos jugar juntos y te voy explicando cosas
[00:57] RafaelRafita> enserio>> entiendo bro me parece bien
[00:57] RafaelRafita> soy de venezuela
[00:57] [D]Doom> a ver entra a la cabaña 1
[00:57] RafaelRafita> y tu?
[00:57] [D]Doom> donde dice game1
[00:57] [D]Doom> cuba
[00:57] [D]Doom> somos hermanos
[00:57] [D]Doom> lol
[00:57] RafaelRafita> hermanasos xd
[00:57] [D]Doom> a ver entra a la casilla 1
[00:58] [D]Doom> a ver si te puedo hostear
[00:58] RafaelRafita> ahora bro?
[00:58] [D]Doom> puta
[00:58] [D]Doom> pera
[00:58] [D]Doom> ponte en el slot 1 tu
[00:58] [D]Doom> a ver
[00:58] [D]Doom> dejame reloguear
[00:58] RafaelRafita> ok
[00:58] [D]Doom out
[00:58] [D]Doom in
[00:59] [D]Doom> dejame quitar el vpn
[00:59] [D]Doom out
[01:00] [AvA]Mibbel out
[01:00] [D]Doom in
[01:00] [D]Doom> puta madre
[01:00] [D]Doom> no nos damos ping
[01:00] [D]Doom> lol
[01:00] [D]Doom> sabes lo que es port forwarding?
[01:01] RafaelRafita> como asi?
[01:01] [D]Doom> es una cosa que te permite hacer de host
[01:01] [D]Doom> escribe !forward
[01:01] [D]Facundol78 out
[01:01] RafaelRafita> ni idea bro apenas y esta laptop me la regalaron hace como una semana
[01:01] [D]Doom> eso te dira como hacerlo
[01:02] [D]Doom> que te dijo al escribir el comando?
[01:02] RafaelRafita> lo escribo y no pasa nada
[01:02] [D]Doom> pera
[01:03] [D]Doom> que raro
[01:03] [D]Doom> deberia de funcionar
[01:03] [D]Doom out
[01:03] RafaelRafita> no me aparece nada bro
[01:03] [D]Doom in
[01:03] RafaelRafita out
[01:04] RafaelRafita in
[01:04] [Rw]Ninety> Rafa tenýý cuidado con ese doom
[01:04] [Rw]Ninety> Es mala influencia
[01:04] [D]Doom> lol
[01:04] RafaelRafita> xd otro que habla español
[01:04] [D]Doom> no le hagas caso a ese argentino
[01:04] RafaelRafita> de donde eres?
[01:04] [D]Doom> siempre anda fumando porros
[01:04] [Rw]Ninety> Xd
[01:04] RafaelRafita> Conectando a PopRe-Net - Main ...
[01:05] [D]Doom out
[01:05] [D]Doom in
[01:05] RafaelRafita> sera que me falta descargar algo?
[01:05] [D]Doom> no pera
[01:05] RafaelRafita> solamente descargue el juego y este cliente
[01:05] [D]Doom> https://prnt.sc/EjXbf11lYKkf
[01:05] [D]Doom> mira este enlace
[01:06] [D]Doom> ya lo ubicaste en el matchmaker?
[01:06] [D]Doom> https://prnt.sc/IK-Y_CcHiPUY tienes que decirle al matchmaker donde se encuentra el juego
[01:06] RafaelRafita> sip
[01:06] RafaelRafita> le doy click?
[01:06] [D]Doom> [20:09] [D]Doom> https://prnt.sc/EjXbf11lYKkf
[01:06] [D]Doom> mira esa foto
[01:07] [D]Doom> buscala en el matchmaker y dale donde esta la flecha roja
[01:07] [D]Doom> eso es para ver una foto
[01:07] RafaelRafita> a si eso lo vi en la guia pero no lo hice
[01:07] [D]Doom> oe alan ven
[01:07] RafaelRafita> xD
[01:07] [D]Doom> estamos hablano del port forwarding verdad?
[01:08] [D]Doom> si es asi eso te permite hacer de host
[01:08] [D]Doom> mas facilmente
[01:08] [D]Doom> oe alan ven papa para jugar ubn preacher game
[01:09] [D]Doom> a ver ven a la casilla 2
[01:09] Flermerf out
[01:09] [D]Josef> doom is that your cuban friend?
[01:09] [D]Doom> venezuela
[01:09] [D]Doom> is new jozef
[01:09] [D]Doom> i want play with him vs bots but i cant host him
[01:09] [D]Doom> and he cant host me
[01:09] [D]Josef> oh nice :peped: welcoem
[01:09] RafaelRafita> en el cuadro me decia que no estoy autorizado para jugar por conexion algo asi
[01:09] [D]Doom> i hate my internet
[01:10] [D]Doom> qye cyadri>
[01:10] [D]Josef> he could try to forward port to 7575 udp
[01:10] [D]Doom> que cuadro?
[01:10] RafaelRafita> en el de network
[01:10] RafaelRafita> dice esto
[01:10] [D]Doom> im talking with him about that
[01:10] [D]Doom> raro rafael
[01:10] [D]Josef> gl
[01:10] [D]Doom> rafael jozef is a good friend
[01:10] RafaelRafita> se ha detectado quetu computador no permite la conexion necesaria para poder crear partidas
[01:10] [D]Doom> lol
[01:10] RafaelRafita> port test
[01:10] [D]Doom> seguro que ubicaste bien la carpeta del pop en el matchmaker?
[01:11] RafaelRafita> en donde la tengo que ubicar? dentro de la carpeta de populous?
[01:11] [D]Doom> mira esta foto
[01:11] [D]Doom> https://prnt.sc/lYGl0vOILkBV
[01:11] [D]Doom> donde dice set populous directory debes poner la direccion de la carpeta de tu pop
[01:12] [D]Doom> sabes como llegar ahi?
[01:12] RafaelRafita> estoy viendo
[01:13] christo0972> gn
[01:13] christo0972 out
[01:13] christo0972 in
[01:13] [D]Doom> si crees que pusiste bien la direccion
[01:13] [D]Doom> trata de entrar a la caballa 1
[01:13] [D]Doom> y seleccion un mapa y dale launch
[01:13] christo0972> walls ?
[01:13] [D]Doom> si el juego te abre es que esta bien
[01:14] christo0972> sess ?
[01:14] christo0972> maybe
[01:15] RafaelRafita> la carpeta del matchmaker tiene que estar adentro de la carpeta de populous?
[01:15] [D]Doom> no necesariamente
[01:15] [D]Doom> ya ubicaste el juego entonces?
[01:16] RafaelRafita> sip
[01:16] [D]Doom> entra a la caballa 1
[01:16] [D]Doom> y dale launch
[01:17] [D]Doom> cuando este dentro le das start
[01:17] [D]Doom> y si te sale bien todo ok
[01:17] michael782000 in
[01:17] [D]Doom> te salio bien?
[01:17] RafaelRafita> si entro a la partida bro
[01:17] RafaelRafita> si
[01:17] [D]Doom> ya
[01:17] RafaelRafita> :D
[01:17] [D]Doom> entonces cuando le diste port test
[01:17] [D]Doom> que te dice?
[01:18] RafaelRafita> sigue diciendo lo mismo pero ahora si entra a pop
[01:18] RafaelRafita> ahora dice hosting ability
[01:19] [D]Doom> que dice al lado de hosting ability?
[01:19] [D]Doom> a mi me dice possible
[01:19] RafaelRafita> unlikely
[01:19] [D]Doom> ven entra aqui a ver
[01:19] RafaelRafita> mmm
[01:19] [D]Doom> tu internet es mas malo que el mio?
[01:19] [D]Doom> lol
[01:19] [D]Doom> no lo creo
[01:19] RafaelRafita> no creo jeje
[01:19] RafaelRafita> no lo se
[01:20] RafaelRafita> el mio es de fibra
[01:20] [D]Doom> https://prnt.sc/2sHg1leb2PMx
[01:20] [D]Doom> mira esta foto
[01:20] RafaelRafita> es rapido
[01:20] [D]Doom> y dale donde dice por forwarding help
[01:20] [D]Doom> port forwarding help*
[01:20] RafaelRafita> no me sale igual comoa ti
[01:20] [D]Doom> a ti que te sale?
[01:21] RafaelRafita> lo mismo que te dije hace rato
[01:21] RafaelRafita> T_T
[01:21] [D]Doom> que raro
[01:21] [D]Doom> lol
[01:21] [D]Doom> host
[01:21] Minibot_UK> [D]Doom: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[01:21] [D]Doom> entra aqui
[01:21] [D]Doom> a ver
[01:21] Minibot_UK> [D]Doom: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[01:21] [D]Doom> en game 1 slot 2
[01:21] [D]Doom> slot 3*
[01:22] [D]Doom> unrank
[01:22] [D]Doom> mira el bot si te hace host
[01:22] RafaelRafita> me sale el ping en178
[01:22] [D]Doom> si ya vi
[01:22] [D]Doom> ya se que podemos hacer
[01:22] [D]Doom> sabes que es el vpn radmin?
[01:22] RafaelRafita> se que es un vpn pero ese que me dices no lo conozco
[01:23] [D]Doom> simula que estamos en un red local podemos probar a ver si funciona
[01:23] RafaelRafita> sera que venezuela esta bloqueada para jugar jajaja
[01:23] [D]Doom> nono
[01:23] [D]Doom> es cosa de mi internet
[01:23] [D]Doom> no del tuyo
[01:23] RafaelRafita> bro pero ya me tengo que ir
[01:23] [D]Doom> ok
[01:23] [D]Doom> nos vemos manan entonces
[01:23] [D]Doom> trata de instalar el radmin vpn
[01:23] RafaelRafita> me conectare malana porque tengo que trbajar y ya tengo bastante sueño
[01:23] [D]Doom> es gratis
[01:23] RafaelRafita> ok
[01:23] [D]Doom> dale nos vemos
[01:23] [D]Doom> reset
[01:23] RafaelRafita> cuidense
[01:23] [D]Doom> igual
[01:23] RafaelRafita> gracias bro
[01:24] [D]Doom> dale un placer
[01:24] RafaelRafita out
[01:30] [D]Doom out
[01:31] [D]Doom in
[01:39] [D]Facundol78 in
[01:40] HexTheRex> lol
[01:40] christo0972> why my brave dt charge on fw ?
[01:41] christo0972> 3 times i put them on fw hut
[01:41] christo0972> without this problem i think we could try to win
[01:43] Bignoobmanfr out
[01:46] [D]Josef> gn popre :poof:
[01:46] [D]Josef out
[01:50] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[01:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> dirt balls
[01:51] christo0972> gn all
[01:52] christo0972 out
[01:52] [D]Doom> come here freematt
[01:53] Updog_TSI> hw #2
[01:53] Updog_TSI> me #1
[01:53] [D]Doom> true
[01:53] [D]Doom> join here hw
[01:55] [D]Doom> join here freematt
[01:55] Updog_TSI> hw scared
[01:56] HexTheRex> pro game
[01:56] [D]Doom> yeah too scared
[01:56] [D]Facundol78> oo bullyng noobs
[01:56] [D]Doom> lol
[01:57] [D]Facundol78> comen on
[01:57] [D]Facundol78> join someone
[01:57] [D]Facundol78> hardwear
[01:57] [D]Facundol78> gogog
[01:57] [D]Facundol78> ggkogkeokeogekgpe
[02:02] [D]Facundol78> WHWHWHWHWHWHWHWW
[02:02] [D]Facundol78> HWHWHWHWHWH
[02:02] [D]Facundol78> jjjjjjjj
[02:07] cccp> 1111
[02:09] cccp> PPPP
[02:09] [D]Doom out
[02:09] iamdoom97 in
[02:09] iamdoom97 out
[02:10] [D]Doom in
[02:15] [D]Doom out
[02:16] [D]Doom in
[02:21] Zpektrix_TAS> hw #100
[02:21] Zpektrix_TAS> dw
[02:24] [D]Facundol78 out
[02:24] [D]Facundol78 in
[02:24] [D]Facundol78> asdad
[02:24] [D]Facundol78> go back
[02:24] [D]Facundol78> im not there
[02:25] [D]Facundol78> ccp let me red
[02:26] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[02:27] [D]Facundol78 out
[02:29] [D]Facundol78 in
[02:29] [D]Facundol78 out
[02:29] [D]Facundol78 in
[02:29] [D]Facundol78> i think is ok now
[02:31] [D]Facundol78 out
[02:39] HexTheRex out
[02:40] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[02:57] [D]Facundol78 in
[02:57] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> facu too good
[02:57] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> damn
[02:57] [D]Doom> lol
[02:58] [D]Doom> im playing dota now guys
[02:58] [D]Doom> :)
[02:58] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> then why are you in a hut
[02:58] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> lol
[02:59] [D]Doom> i forgot
[02:59] [D]Doom> lol
[03:04] [D]Facundol78 out
[03:04] [D]Facundol78 in
[03:05] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:05] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:06] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:06] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:06] Zpektrix_TAS> paper
[03:06] Zpektrix_TAS> did you move to other place
[03:07] Zpektrix_TAS> or watching porn
[03:07] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> watching porn
[03:07] Zpektrix_TAS> ping is insane today
[03:08] Zpektrix_TAS> checking papers ping each server
[03:08] Zpektrix_TAS> wait why do you give ice ping 140 today
[03:09] Zpektrix_TAS> its your net
[03:09] Zpektrix_TAS> DDD
[03:09] Zpektrix_TAS> xDDD
[03:10] PerfectScript_TAS out
[03:11] PerfectScript_TAS in
[03:12] universeglitch in
[03:12] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:13] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:13] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:13] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:13] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:13] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:14] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[03:14] Zpektrix_TAS> fix ping paper
[03:14] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[03:15] universeglitch out
[03:15] Zpektrix_TAS out
[03:15] Zpektrix_TAS in
[03:17] Updog_TSI out
[03:19] Zpektrix_TAS> ice and paper got higher ping for me today
[03:19] Zpektrix_TAS> koopa riley normal
[03:19] Zpektrix_TAS> weird usa
[03:20] Updog_TSI in
[03:32] Erectronic out
[03:32] [D]Facundol78 out
[03:33] [D]Facundol78 in
[03:36] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> what map we doing bois
[03:36] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> sess or fo ??
[03:37] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> PerfectScript_TAS u there
[03:38] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[03:39] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> paper wants fo
[03:39] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> u gd with that
[03:39] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> or sess
[03:39] Zpektrix_TAS> danny is super good at fo
[03:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> One of us has to be
[03:41] PerfectScript_TAS> riley pick
[03:41] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Fo we will lose, sess we might not
[03:41] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> thats my input
[03:41] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Ill do either tho
[03:42] PerfectScript_TAS> then sess it is
[03:45] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[03:48] [D]Doom out
[04:21] Updog_TSI> gg
[04:21] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> gg
[04:21] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Sorry danny
[04:21] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> cant play well anymore lmao
[04:21] Updog_TSI> hey atleasat u didnt lose to facu today
[04:22] PerfectScript_TAS> thats okay
[04:22] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> yet
[04:22] PerfectScript_TAS> come Riley
[04:22] PerfectScript_TAS> idc losing, it was a gg
[04:22] Zpektrix_TAS> lets go face off danny
[04:22] Zpektrix_TAS> :)))
[04:23] PerfectScript_TAS> on your host
[04:23] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[04:23] Zpektrix_TAS out
[04:23] Zpektrix_TAS in
[04:23] [D]Facundol78> add by stomp
[04:23] PerfectScript_TAS> we rm fo 14 times paper
[04:23] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> [23:22] PerfectScript_TAS> come Riley-- i cant
[04:23] PerfectScript_TAS> u up?
[04:23] Zpektrix_TAS out
[04:24] Zpektrix_TAS in
[04:24] Zpektrix_TAS out
[04:24] Zpektrix_TAS in
[04:24] Zpektrix_TAS out
[04:24] Zpektrix_TAS in
[04:25] Zpektrix_TAS> i can play 1 game 30mins max from now on
[04:25] PerfectScript_TAS> then fo is the right map
[04:26] Zpektrix_TAS> paper got his ping back
[04:26] Zpektrix_TAS> but ice
[04:26] PerfectScript_TAS> sec
[04:26] PerfectScript_TAS out
[04:27] PerfectScript_TAS in
[04:27] [D]Facundol78 out
[04:27] PerfectScript_TAS> can play on Ice host too idm
[04:41] Bignoobmanfr in
[04:45] [D]Facundol78 in
[04:46] cccp out
[04:51] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp danny
[04:51] Zpektrix_TAS> nice improvement
[04:51] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe we can try green and blue tomorrow or later
[04:51] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[04:51] PerfectScript_TAS> ggwp
[04:52] PerfectScript_TAS> ty Tsu ;)
[04:52] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> gg
[04:52] Zpektrix_TAS> nice dog fight in mid for all
[04:53] Zpektrix_TAS> gtg now
[04:53] jammy in
[04:53] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> gg,
[04:53] Zpektrix_TAS> get riley
[04:53] Zpektrix_TAS> got a meeting for 30mins
[04:54] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> fuck no
[04:54] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> do something quick
[04:54] [D]Facundol78> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDjvTtmoJMI
[04:54] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> like fo
[04:54] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[04:54] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[04:54] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[04:55] [D]Facundol78> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjsmUNOTeSY
[04:55] Zpektrix_TAS> its 1:54 pm my time
[04:55] [D]Facundol78> para vos hija de putaaaaa
[04:55] Zpektrix_TAS> and got a meeting at 2pm
[04:55] Zpektrix_TAS> we can just enjoy blast war for 1min
[04:55] Zpektrix_TAS> rofl
[04:55] exlorddeath in
[04:55] exlorddeath out
[04:55] PerfectScript_TAS out
[04:56] PerfectScript_TAS in
[04:56] PerfectScript_TAS> where is riley
[04:56] exlorddeath_tsi in
[04:57] exlorddeath_tsi> tsu get in there
[04:57] Zpektrix_TAS> exlorddeath
[04:57] Zpektrix_TAS> i said
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> i got a meeting in 3mins
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> i cant
[04:58] exlorddeath_tsi> :(
[04:58] PerfectScript_TAS> its your turn riley
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> face offf
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> :))
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> danny knows shit
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> what to do
[04:58] PerfectScript_TAS> stop ditching game, i fell asleep last nite just to wait for a game
[04:58] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[04:58] PerfectScript_TAS> u know it riley
[04:58] PerfectScript_TAS> xD
[04:59] exlorddeath_tsi> indeed lol
[04:59] Zpektrix_TAS> lets play fo again danny !
[04:59] Zpektrix_TAS> :DDD
[04:59] PerfectScript_TAS> i didn hear any notification
[05:00] Zpektrix_TAS> you red riley yellow
[05:00] PerfectScript_TAS> coz i was listening to music on my phone
[05:00] PerfectScript_TAS> nahh Tsu
[05:00] PerfectScript_TAS> not gonna risk it with riley on fo
[05:00] PerfectScript_TAS> xD
[05:00] Zpektrix_TAS> why
[05:00] Zpektrix_TAS> you 2 won well some days ago
[05:00] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[05:01] PerfectScript_TAS> naww
[05:01] PerfectScript_TAS> not this time :p
[05:01] exlorddeath_tsi> wtf
[05:02] PerfectScript_TAS> its time for pp
[05:02] exlorddeath_tsi> sure
[05:03] PerfectScript_TAS> ye but paper is like to being hw sometimes
[05:04] PerfectScript_TAS> he sits in host spot n get silent
[05:04] Updog_TSI> what map
[05:04] PerfectScript_TAS> pp, walls, 4 ways
[05:04] PerfectScript_TAS> hollow
[05:04] PerfectScript_TAS> cross
[05:05] PerfectScript_TAS> riley picked pp so
[05:05] PerfectScript_TAS> lez go
[05:05] exlorddeath_tsi> ??
[05:05] exlorddeath_tsi> i said sure
[05:05] exlorddeath_tsi> ill do any of them
[05:05] PerfectScript_TAS> :p
[05:05] exlorddeath_tsi> :p
[05:09] [D]Facundol78 out
[05:09] [D]Facundol78 in
[05:15] adray_tsi out
[05:35] Axton out
[05:37] exlorddeath_tsi> ggwp
[05:37] PerfectScript_TAS> ggwp
[05:43] exlorddeath_tsi out
[05:44] [D]Facundol78> exlord death the less points holder
[06:03] [D]Facundol78 out
[06:04] Bignoobmanfr out
[06:15] Zpektrix_TAS> back
[06:29] [D]Facundol78 in
[06:31] [D]Facundol78> no way
[06:31] [D]Facundol78> volcano 2 fs with 130 pop
[06:31] [D]Facundol78> wtf are u doing
[06:31] Updog_TSI> trolling lol
[06:32] [D]Facundol78> no way
[06:32] Updog_TSI> gotta get every spell to play the game properly
[06:32] [D]Facundol78> gay mode on
[06:52] [D]Facundol78 out
[07:05] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[07:05] PerfectScript_TAS> paper
[07:05] PerfectScript_TAS> xD
[07:05] Updog_TSI> lol
[07:05] Zpektrix_TAS> danny 3p :D?
[07:05] Zpektrix_TAS> with pepper
[07:05] Updog_TSI> :rip:
[07:05] Updog_TSI> wp
[07:05] [D]Facundol78 in
[07:05] [D]Facundol78> lool
[07:06] Zpektrix_TAS> oh no
[07:06] Zpektrix_TAS> he loves 1v1ing
[07:06] [D]Facundol78 out
[07:34] [D]Facundol78 in
[07:34] Zpektrix_TAS> yo paper
[07:34] Zpektrix_TAS> wanna 2v1 with me
[07:34] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[07:34] [D]Facundol78> gayest playstyle ever
[07:35] Updog_TSI> lol
[07:35] Zpektrix_TAS> danny will own us
[07:35] [D]Facundol78> that's how you see redside
[07:35] Zpektrix_TAS> come
[07:35] Zpektrix_TAS> +D
[07:35] Zpektrix_TAS> 1 game
[07:35] Zpektrix_TAS> dw
[07:35] Updog_TSI> just one more hit
[07:47] [D]Facundol78 out
[08:10] Updog_TSI out
[08:10] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[08:10] Zpektrix_TAS> see
[08:10] PerfectScript_TAS> the endless nitemare :ohyes:
[08:10] Zpektrix_TAS> same here
[08:10] Zpektrix_TAS> 1 mistake
[08:11] Zpektrix_TAS> and done
[08:11] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[08:11] PerfectScript_TAS> true
[08:11] Zpektrix_TAS> need more blanace ava kids
[08:11] [Rw]Headhunterz> nice 2v1 danny was watching on tsue his stream from work :face_with_tongue:
[08:11] PerfectScript_TAS> paper was whining i went for him
[08:11] PerfectScript_TAS> then i went for tsu the first time
[08:11] PerfectScript_TAS> i landed everything on him
[08:11] PerfectScript_TAS> xD
[08:11] Zpektrix_TAS> lol nah he was talking to me
[08:11] Zpektrix_TAS> i did team chat
[08:12] Zpektrix_TAS> but ye
[08:12] michael782000 out
[08:12] Zpektrix_TAS> paper is my security hole this time
[08:12] Zpektrix_TAS> everyone doesnt go for 4 lights in the beginning
[08:12] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[08:13] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin went for eq as well
[08:13] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[08:14] Zpektrix_TAS> 3 more attack could've done better
[08:14] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[08:14] PerfectScript_TAS> those eqs hurt me a little
[08:14] PerfectScript_TAS> lost 30 pop
[08:15] PerfectScript_TAS> [15:11] = [Rw]Headhunterz> nice 2v1 danny was watching on tsue his stream from work :face_with_tongue:
[08:15] PerfectScript_TAS> always a pleasure to entertain u all with my gameplay :howdy:
[08:19] Zpektrix_TAS> im gonna try 1.01 2v1 danny :p
[08:19] PerfectScript_TAS> yes sure
[08:22] bockwurstlaune in
[08:24] bockwurstlaune out
[08:39] motya55 in
[08:41] motya55 out
[09:15] Mix in
[09:16] [AsG]manl1> :manu:
[09:33] jammy in
[09:34] sonata140 in
[09:36] tetc in
[09:36] jammy out
[09:41] tetc out
[09:41] Kayin in
[09:42] maestro in
[09:42] Kayin out
[09:42] Kayin in
[09:48] maestro out
[09:55] christo0972 in
[10:01] christo0972 out
[10:05] nascent in
[10:07] Incy in
[10:07] jammy> done move anyone, getting ping
[10:07] jammy> dont*
[10:08] nascent> sonata join?
[10:09] sonata140> eating
[10:09] sonata140> 15min
[10:09] jammy> dont take extra rice
[10:09] sonata140> xD
[10:10] Hellfest in
[10:10] jammy> jammy + Incy vs. nascent + PerfectScript_TAS
[10:11] jammy> myelo
[10:11] PerfectScript_TAS> what we playin?
[10:11] jammy> map?
[10:11] Incy out
[10:11] nascent> some good map
[10:12] PerfectScript_TAS> lets blasr ot light maybe?
[10:12] jammy> lets wait for sonata140
[10:12] jammy> he is eating
[10:14] jammy> sonata140, you can eat less, its healthy for you
[10:14] jammy> doctors say one should eat 80% of their total hunger, for good health... just saying
[10:15] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[10:21] Dougs in
[10:22] jammy> map?
[10:22] jammy> 4walls?
[10:22] jammy> jammy + sonata140 vs. PerfectScript_TAS + nascent
[10:22] PerfectScript_TAS> sure idm
[10:23] jammy> or pp? nascent is decent on pp
[10:23] jammy> also i am >: D
[10:23] PerfectScript_TAS> kk
[10:41] Incy in
[10:45] Incy out
[10:52] PerfectScript_TAS> shouldnt play pp
[10:54] PerfectScript_TAS> cba with the lites from tower
[10:56] jammy> gg
[10:56] jammy> wp all
[10:56] sonata140> gg
[10:56] jammy> wp sonata140
[10:57] sonata140> u carried
[10:57] jammy> i tried, but u did good by not letting yellow double me
[10:57] PerfectScript_TAS> xD
[10:58] nascent> sonata kept attacking not stop
[10:58] jammy> glad he ate before
[10:58] nascent> xD
[10:58] PerfectScript_TAS> rm?
[10:58] jammy> tired... later?
[10:58] PerfectScript_TAS> k
[10:58] PerfectScript_TAS out
[10:59] PerfectScript_TAS in
[10:59] PerfectScript_TAS> well, that wasnt even a real game imo
[11:01] PerfectScript_TAS> you shouldnt taught the newbies like that biggy
[11:01] PerfectScript_TAS> host
[11:01] Minibot_UK> PerfectScript_TAS: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[11:02] Minibot_UK> PerfectScript_TAS: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[11:03] [D]Doom in
[11:09] [D]Doom> reset
[11:11] PerfectScript_TAS> lool
[11:11] PerfectScript_TAS> whats that graph
[11:14] PerfectScript_TAS> just 1 blast
[11:14] PerfectScript_TAS> lool
[11:24] Cookie> mix babycakes
[11:24] Cookie> :P:
[11:25] sonata140 out
[11:26] Cookie> gammy
[11:26] Cookie> gaymmy
[11:26] Cookie> :D
[11:27] Cookie> makie trum trump trumpet big again again
[11:27] jammy> join 1v1 bossur
[11:27] Mix> hey
[11:27] Mix> good morning ppl
[11:27] Cookie> i cant right now gaymmy
[11:27] Cookie> morning
[11:27] Cookie> babycakes
[11:28] Mix> +2
[11:28] Cookie> mix
[11:28] Cookie> i got a crush on you
[11:28] Mix> ??
[11:28] Mix> what means
[11:28] Cookie> it means im in love
[11:28] Mix> good for u
[11:28] Cookie> and you
[11:28] Mix> i wont trouble in this moment of my life
[11:28] Mix> im in a critical period
[11:29] Mix> bad moment for me for love
[11:29] Cookie> because all the chicks hate you?
[11:29] Mix> i broke a story of 2 years with a girl
[11:29] Mix> i had 3 girls contendent to me
[11:30] Cookie> mix
[11:30] Cookie> do yuo play aoe2?
[11:30] Mix> no
[11:30] Cookie> its so fun game
[11:30] Cookie> strategy like pop
[11:30] Mix> i played aoe in 2005
[11:30] Cookie> me too
[11:30] Cookie> its so fun
[11:30] Mix> was good game
[11:30] Cookie> i review my games every game i lose and see what i did wrong
[11:30] Cookie> and learn from it
[11:31] Cookie> and i get more elo rating points
[11:31] Cookie> im 1000 elo in 1v1
[11:31] Mix> blast war?
[11:31] Cookie> but im going for 1300
[11:31] Mix> i played campaign aoe
[11:31] Cookie> me too
[11:32] Cookie> but more fun to play multiplayer
[11:32] Cookie> more challenge
[11:32] Cookie> and strategy
[11:32] Mix> it is for free?
[11:32] Cookie> its almost free on steam
[11:32] Cookie> i think it was 20 usd
[11:32] Cookie> im so addicted
[11:32] Cookie> i played it for over 800 hours
[11:32] Cookie> steam says that
[11:32] Mix> then rather i dont play it
[11:33] Mix> im addicted to pop
[11:33] Cookie> why?
[11:33] Cookie> okok
[11:33] Cookie> me too
[11:33] Mix> and fking slot
[11:33] Mix> slot machine
[11:33] Cookie> nah man
[11:33] Cookie> dont go to casino
[11:33] Mix> lost around 50k
[11:33] Mix> all winnings
[11:33] Cookie> no dont do that
[11:33] Mix> but i trow away 5 6 k of my money
[11:33] Mix> 5-6
[11:34] Mix> hard save money from wins
[11:34] Cookie> invest in company
[11:34] Cookie> invest
[11:34] Cookie> thats the way to go
[11:34] Mix> i dont trust
[11:34] Cookie> dont go to casino
[11:34] Mix> trading
[11:34] Cookie> invest in gold mine company
[11:34] Cookie> yes
[11:34] Cookie> i invested in gold mine company
[11:34] Mix> ye gold its raising up
[11:34] Cookie> its worrth it
[11:35] Cookie> put 10000 in gold mine company
[11:35] Cookie> you will be rich
[11:35] Cookie> trust me
[11:35] Mix> lolol
[11:35] Cookie> the more you put in
[11:35] Cookie> the more you get
[11:35] Mix> fortunately im almost rich
[11:35] Cookie> but still lost 50k?
[11:35] Mix> own money
[11:35] Mix> earned in 3 months
[11:36] Cookie> invest in gold mine company
[11:36] Cookie> trust me
[11:36] Mix> ye it is a lesson for me
[11:36] Cookie> you will be rich
[11:36] Mix> with wich platform?
[11:36] Cookie> there are so many gold mine companys
[11:36] Cookie> just choose
[11:37] Cookie> i have a friend
[11:37] Cookie> who invested in gold mine company
[11:37] Cookie> and now hes rich
[11:37] Mix> lol its like btc now i maybe too much investitors
[11:38] Cookie> depends on what you put in
[11:38] Cookie> if you put in 1000 dollars
[11:38] Cookie> you will only get like max 10000 dollars
[11:38] Cookie> if you put in10000dollars
[11:38] Mix> yeye
[11:38] Mix> x10
[11:38] Cookie> you will maybe end with 6000 dollars
[11:39] Cookie> 60000
[11:39] Cookie> i mean
[11:39] Incy in
[11:39] Cookie> say you put in x money
[11:39] Mix> well i prefer earn with my job
[11:39] Mix> more secure
[11:39] Cookie> and you gain 8% from what you put in
[11:39] Cookie> then you get say you put in 1000 dollars, 8% of 1000 dollars profit
[11:40] Cookie> if you put in 10 times more
[11:40] Cookie> you will get 10 times more profit
[11:40] Mix> +3 walls
[11:40] Mix> well my problem its remove addiction of casino
[11:40] Cookie> nah man
[11:40] Cookie> invest in businesss
[11:40] Cookie> before its too late
[11:40] Mix> i dont like invest
[11:40] Cookie> you will end up broke
[11:41] Cookie> yes you do need it
[11:41] Cookie> its the only way you can be rich
[11:41] Mix> no ahaha i can earn minimum 20k at month i dont need it
[11:41] Cookie> mix
[11:41] Mix> i just need solid mind no waste money
[11:42] Mix> yes?
[11:42] Cookie> stop using casino
[11:42] Cookie> and use your money on gold mine company
[11:42] Cookie> its the only way so you wont lose all your money
[11:42] Cookie> on casino
[11:42] Cookie> casino should not be allowed
[11:42] bockwurstlaune in
[11:42] Cookie> there are alot of people on the streets
[11:42] Mix> i wish casino close all
[11:42] Cookie> that wasted all their money on casinos
[11:42] Cookie> yeah
[11:42] Mix> ye homless from rich
[11:43] Cookie> yep
[11:43] Dimoncheg in
[11:43] Cookie> first off
[11:43] Cookie> when you play casino
[11:43] Cookie> its just luck
[11:43] Mix> always luck algorithm
[11:43] Cookie> doesnt matter how you choose the cards
[11:43] Mix> all math
[11:43] Mix> i play only slot machine
[11:44] Mix> i d like cards
[11:44] Cookie> how much?
[11:44] Cookie> how much money do you haave?
[11:44] Mix> now my mother save money for me
[11:44] Mix> ty god
[11:44] Mix> im saving money for an house
[11:44] Cookie> yeah
[11:44] Cookie> but you need to invest
[11:44] Cookie> first
[11:44] Cookie> so you can afford it
[11:44] Mix> ohh
[11:45] Mix> stop with invest
[11:45] Cookie> mix
[11:45] Cookie> why?
[11:45] Cookie> invest is the way to go
[11:45] Cookie> look at elon musk
[11:45] Mix> ye he got a start up tesla
[11:45] Mix> he got the money in for sure
[11:46] Cookie> i mean , if you are going to waste all your money on casino , rather waste it on gold mine company, since there is way better chance to win money there.
[11:46] Mix> indeed
[11:46] Mix> invest on real working company not ghost company
[11:46] Cookie> there are thousands of people that were rich and lost their money on casino
[11:46] Cookie> now they are on the street
[11:46] Cookie> s
[11:48] Mix> +2
[12:06] Dimoncheg out
[12:22] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[12:23] Mix> hi soul
[12:23] Mix> pablo?
[12:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> yoo
[12:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> nop
[12:23] Mix> how are u?
[12:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not pablo
[12:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> good
[12:23] Mix> who are u?
[12:24] Mix> oh bardi
[12:27] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[12:28] [SW]Soulcrusher> at us guys we dont have electricity but im playing with my laptop and i dont know to play good so
[12:28] [SW]Soulcrusher> i have net but no electricity
[12:28] Mix> damn
[12:28] [SW]Soulcrusher> ye
[12:28] [SW]Soulcrusher> shoot
[12:29] Mix> join italy
[12:29] Mix> no electricity problem :D
[12:29] Mix> only taxes problem
[12:29] [SW]Soulcrusher> eys
[12:29] [SW]Soulcrusher> Xd
[12:30] Mix> state of italy wanna eanr more a signle citizen
[12:30] Mix> earn
[12:30] Mix> single
[12:30] [SW]Soulcrusher> ok
[12:30] [SW]Soulcrusher> good
[12:30] Mix> 1v bock?
[12:31] Mix> 1v1*
[12:31] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[12:32] Dimoncheg in
[12:32] bockwurstlaune> not now
[12:32] Hellfest out
[12:32] Mix> good bock i feel lose
[12:32] Mix> 1v1 rn
[12:37] [D]Doom out
[12:40] [SW]Soulcrusher> wait
[12:40] Incy out
[12:40] [SW]Soulcrusher> dont gb
[12:40] Incy in
[12:40] Incy out
[13:10] Mix> sec
[13:14] Kayin out
[13:14] Incy in
[13:14] Kayin in
[13:14] Kayin out
[13:14] Kayin in
[13:15] Incy out
[13:15] Mix> Mix + bockwurstlaune vs. Kayin + PerfectScript_TAS
[13:15] Mix> balanced
[13:15] Dimoncheg out
[13:16] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[13:16] Dimoncheg in
[13:16] [SW]Soulcrusher> gg
[13:16] Dimoncheg> gg
[13:16] [SW]Soulcrusher> really
[13:20] bockwurstlaune out
[13:20] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:20] [SW]Soulcrusher> i cant fo shit wis this stupid laptopp Xd
[13:20] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:20] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[13:21] Mix> dont play pop then
[13:21] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:21] Mix> :D
[13:21] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:21] [SW]Soulcrusher> l,mao
[13:21] Zpektrix_TAS> go
[13:26] [SW]Soulcrusher> +2
[13:35] [SW]Soulcrusher> brb store
[13:41] nascent out
[13:41] T4tt3dUpFr34k in
[13:42] [SW]Soulcrusher> ko
[13:42] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[13:42] PerfectScript_TAS> thats weird
[13:42] Kayin> gg wp
[13:42] Mix> weird ye
[13:42] Mix> gg
[13:42] PerfectScript_TAS> i have like little spike
[13:42] PerfectScript_TAS> with 197 ping
[13:42] Mix> i see
[13:42] Zpektrix_TAS> italy net is bad
[13:42] Zpektrix_TAS> are you on exitlag ?
[13:43] PerfectScript_TAS> no
[13:43] Zpektrix_TAS> thats also part of reasons
[13:43] Mix> we got 3 gigabit download but reach 1.5
[13:43] T4tt3dUpFr34k out
[13:43] PerfectScript_TAS> need kay or Tsu to host it
[13:44] Mix> ye
[13:44] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin try host once ?
[13:44] Kayin> sec
[13:44] PerfectScript_TAS> died to tsu lites several times coz i didnt even know when Tsu cast his lite
[13:44] PerfectScript_TAS> lool
[13:44] Kayin out
[13:44] Mix> i did bad soz ress
[13:44] PerfectScript_TAS> nahh
[13:44] PerfectScript_TAS> i couldnt do better with that little spikes
[13:44] Kayin in
[13:44] Zpektrix_TAS> lol danny
[13:44] Zpektrix_TAS> we played some 2v2s
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS> that made my play more aggresive
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS> in lights
[13:45] PerfectScript_TAS> yea but i meant
[13:45] Mix> ye tsu u improving
[13:45] Mix> moving shaman
[13:45] Mix> fast cast
[13:45] PerfectScript_TAS> i could predict when u gonna light
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:45] sonata140 in
[13:45] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:45] PerfectScript_TAS> but that little spike made me shocked
[13:45] PerfectScript_TAS> coz i didnt even know when u cast lite
[13:45] Mix> 182 not bad
[13:45] T4tt3dUpFr34k in
[13:46] PerfectScript_TAS> all i know is i just got hit
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS> ofc
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS> yes
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS> your clicks were cursed
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[13:46] PerfectScript_TAS out
[13:46] nascent in
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:46] PerfectScript_TAS in
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:46] Mix> smoking cig
[13:46] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:47] Viezeharry in
[13:47] Zpektrix_TAS> i cant get kayin's ping from exitlag sec lol
[13:47] Zpektrix_TAS out
[13:47] Zpektrix_TAS in
[13:47] T4tt3dUpFr34k out
[13:48] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin restart mm
[13:48] Kayin out
[13:48] Kayin in
[13:49] Kayin> ok
[13:49] Kayin> map?
[13:49] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> walls
[13:49] Zpektrix_TAS> my ping is 61 :(
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> rematch
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> xD
[13:49] Kayin> again?
[13:49] Zpektrix_TAS> it could have been 48
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[13:49] Zpektrix_TAS> damn king danny got 60
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> i cant do blast properly
[13:49] PerfectScript_TAS> damn
[13:51] Viezeharry> yes
[13:52] Dimoncheg out
[13:53] Dimoncheg in
[13:58] [GoD]of_Madness in
[14:10] Cookie> make trum trump great great again
[14:11] Kayin> gg wp
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> well known performance
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin come
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[14:11] Cookie> tsu is the most underrated player in pop
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[14:11] Zpektrix_TAS> tsu is overrated
[14:11] Cookie> no
[14:12] Cookie> you are shaman rank
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> he needs brave rank
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> in ping 200
[14:12] Cookie> 200 ping is easy
[14:12] Cookie> just got used to it
[14:12] Mix> 180 im not used to know delay
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> my clicks are way more faster than 0.2 secs
[14:12] Zpektrix_TAS> unfortunately
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> even ping 60 misses 10 clicks in 5 secs
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> :d
[14:13] Cookie> i am pregnant
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> need exitlag enabled to make it 5 clicks
[14:13] Mix out
[14:13] Mix in
[14:13] Zpektrix_TAS> what about that 2v1 game kayin with another balance or map
[14:14] Zpektrix_TAS> or shall i call spin
[14:14] Cookie> lol+
[14:14] Kayin> sure
[14:14] Kayin> forge on is also ok
[14:14] Cookie> "Yo hey spin, what ya doin today , wanna play pop
[14:14] PerfectScript_TAS> sec
[14:14] PerfectScript_TAS> calling SPin
[14:14] PerfectScript_TAS> the bad boy
[14:14] Zpektrix_TAS> he logged in 4h ago
[14:14] Cookie> the baddest boy of pop
[14:14] Zpektrix_TAS> i doubt he will respond
[14:15] PerfectScript_TAS> u have his number Tsu?
[14:15] PerfectScript_TAS> call him then xD
[14:15] Zpektrix_TAS> i sent him a msg on whatsapp
[14:15] Zpektrix_TAS> but he must bebe out
[14:15] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[14:15] Cookie> i sent him a message on G4yporn.com
[14:16] Cookie> oh sorry
[14:16] Cookie> dont watch that
[14:16] Cookie> you are young an inexperienced
[14:16] Cookie> guys
[14:16] Zpektrix_TAS> also called him
[14:16] Cookie> still
[14:17] Cookie> I think you will just have to get used to me.
[14:18] PerfectScript_TAS> k 2v1 first
[14:19] Zpektrix_TAS> any map preferences
[14:19] Zpektrix_TAS> :o?
[14:19] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[14:19] Zpektrix_TAS> one man army with tree forge only
[14:19] Zpektrix_TAS> what about that
[14:19] Kayin> lets play the last one first
[14:20] Kayin> sure
[14:20] Kayin> ok now fit
[14:27] [SW]Soulcrusher> Lapto run for battery :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:
[14:29] Tyler out
[14:34] Dimoncheg> gg wp
[14:34] Viezeharry> anther round
[14:34] Viezeharry> tom this time?
[14:34] Dougs> join both of you
[14:34] Dougs> 2v2 :)
[14:35] Dougs> nice
[14:35] Dougs> Dougs + Viezeharry vs. nascent + Dimoncheg
[14:35] Dougs> happy with teams and map
[14:35] Dougs> ?
[14:35] Viezeharry> its cool!
[14:35] Dougs> sweet
[14:46] [SW]tms-Abraline in
[14:46] Mister_IllusioN in
[14:46] [AvA]lanche in
[14:49] Mister_IllusioN out
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> it ended
[14:49] Mister_IllusioN in
[14:49] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[14:49] PerfectScript_TAS> they all dead
[14:49] Kayin> lmao kakekaze attack xD
[14:49] PerfectScript_TAS> Tsu sent his reinforcement too late
[14:49] PerfectScript_TAS> so i backstabbed him with the force i have left
[14:49] Zpektrix_TAS> i had to dodge volc
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> it takes 20-mins to reach blue baes pop
[14:50] Kayin> i got the second already
[14:50] Kayin> just couldnt get in the base xD
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> ye you had double speed
[14:50] Zpektrix_TAS> we need to attack early
[14:51] Zpektrix_TAS> you gave us a chance
[14:51] PerfectScript_TAS> yes
[14:51] PerfectScript_TAS> 2 eqs n lites n wars is enuf
[14:51] [GoD]of_Madness> lemme in
[14:51] [GoD]of_Madness> i'll be the comentalist
[14:51] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> gl
[14:51] Kayin> this time other one be big?
[14:51] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> hard game
[14:51] PerfectScript_TAS> :wat:
[14:52] PerfectScript_TAS> its 2v1 Sho
[14:52] Kayin> sho playing?
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> ice playing ?
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> or watching
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[14:52] PerfectScript_TAS> spin playing?
[14:52] [GoD]of_Madness> i know its 2v1
[14:52] Mister_IllusioN out
[14:52] [GoD]of_Madness> its why i said that lol
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> he has no responce
[14:52] PerfectScript_TAS> k
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> response
[14:52] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> tempting, but I cant
[14:52] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> its my work time now
[14:52] Mister_IllusioN in
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> kk
[14:52] Zpektrix_TAS> like i had
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> 12h ago
[14:53] PerfectScript_TAS> k let Sho in then
[14:53] PerfectScript_TAS> ill be the one
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> i will be hella busy from tomorrow
[14:53] [GoD]of_Madness> i zpec
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> i cant play on afternoon anymore
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> i guess
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> unfortunately
[14:53] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> why is that?
[14:53] [GoD]of_Madness> baby
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> i asigned a pj
[14:53] Kayin> so what maps?
[14:53] [GoD]of_Madness> :monkamega:
[14:53] [GoD]of_Madness> do this map kayin
[14:53] [GoD]of_Madness> make me spec
[14:53] Zpektrix_TAS> i was
[14:53] PerfectScript_TAS> this map
[14:53] Kayin> oh
[14:53] PerfectScript_TAS> Sho is watching
[14:53] Kayin> kk
[14:53] PerfectScript_TAS> so no 2v2
[14:53] [GoD]of_Madness> :eyes:
[14:54] Cookie> [14:53] Kayin> oh
[14:54] Zpektrix_TAS> now i need to work for that pj
[14:54] [GoD]of_Madness> like i can play with tht ping anyway loll
[15:05] Dougs> ggwp
[15:05] Dimoncheg> gg
[15:06] Viezeharry> rematch? dimon and me
[15:06] Viezeharry> think its more fair
[15:06] Dougs> sure
[15:06] nascent out
[15:06] Viezeharry> oh he is gone haha
[15:06] Dougs> lol
[15:06] Dougs> ah well
[15:06] nascent in
[15:07] Viezeharry> nascent
[15:07] Viezeharry> join
[15:07] Viezeharry> you can go with dougs
[15:07] Dougs> yeah come ally me mate
[15:07] Dougs> nice
[15:15] xtro in
[15:15] Mister_IllusioN out
[15:15] Mister_IllusioN in
[15:18] Mister_IllusioN out
[15:18] Mister_IllusioN in
[15:19] Mister_IllusioN out
[15:23] PerfectScript_TAS> no volc sho
[15:23] PerfectScript_TAS> coz i kept pressureing them
[15:23] PerfectScript_TAS> not time for it
[15:23] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog::volcano:
[15:23] PerfectScript_TAS> no*
[15:23] Zpektrix_TAS> my turn :)?
[15:23] PerfectScript_TAS> 2 eqs n a fs with lots of troop is enuf
[15:23] Mister_IllusioN in
[15:33] [SW]Tacitus in
[15:34] [SW]tms-Abraline out
[15:34] Itsuna in
[15:34] Spongety in
[15:35] Itsuna out
[15:46] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[15:46] Kayin> gg
[15:47] Kayin> finally i won 1 of 2vs1 game xD
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS> yeye i tested some
[15:47] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS> maybe i can do better other time
[15:47] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[15:48] Zpektrix_TAS> the thing i dont like is shift click doesnt work
[15:48] Kayin> rm?
[15:48] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[15:48] Zpektrix_TAS> who's 1
[15:48] Kayin> you xD
[15:48] Zpektrix_TAS> :oo
[15:48] Dougs> damn that was tough
[15:48] Dougs> ggwp
[15:48] nascent> gg
[15:48] Zpektrix_TAS> i host then
[15:49] Zpektrix_TAS> but danny's ping
[15:49] Viezeharry> gg
[15:50] [SW]Chillguy in
[15:50] Dougs> you guys really made me work for that
[15:50] Dougs> wp
[15:50] Dougs> nascent you have great map awareness
[15:50] [AvA]lanche> Doug, you had highest pop all game, how was that tough? :')
[15:50] Dougs> little slow on the towers
[15:50] Dougs> but you did well
[15:50] Dougs> well with respect to nascent it was a 2v1 at times lol
[15:50] Dougs> but he did well
[15:51] Dougs> i think viez and dimo focused me a little too much
[15:51] Dougs> so it left nascent free to do what he wanted
[15:51] Dougs> and he made some good attacks
[15:51] Viezeharry> haha mabe we should kill nascent first
[15:51] Viezeharry> i was focussing on you indeed
[15:51] nascent> haha
[15:51] Dougs> its always balance
[15:51] nascent> i had good def btw
[15:52] Viezeharry> nascent did pretty good with the defence
[15:52] Dougs> yeah he was slow to build it but once he did it was very good
[15:52] Viezeharry> haha true
[15:52] Dougs> i could sense how much you both wanted to attack me :P
[15:52] michael782000 in
[15:52] Dougs> so i just spammed as many towers as i could lol
[15:52] Viezeharry> i didnt expect the side with fs so early
[15:53] Dougs> Thats why i did it
[15:53] Viezeharry> haha good thinking
[15:53] Dougs> I figured it would catch you out
[15:53] Dougs> and it put you on the defence which took some of the pressure off me :')
[15:54] Viezeharry> yeah true
[15:54] Dougs> anyway wp guys you all played well
[15:54] Dougs> it's awesome to see you improving so much viez
[15:54] Viezeharry> was a nice game
[15:54] Viezeharry> more balances then the first one haha
[15:54] Dougs> yeah i just went with best but i had no idea how good nascent was gonna be
[15:54] Dougs> if i'd known i would have allied him first game as well
[15:54] [AvA]lanche> Man, you're a totally different guy when you win, Doug. So full of positive energy. Nice to see m8
[15:55] Viezeharry> hahahaha
[15:55] [SW]Soulcrusher> Dimoncheg: host
[15:55] Dougs> tbh i'm in a better mood todat than i was yesterday
[15:55] Dougs> but i went into these games relaxed
[15:55] jammy> lol toruk
[15:55] [AvA]lanche> good to hear
[15:55] [SW]Soulcrusher> open 1 n close 1
[15:55] Dimoncheg> walls?
[15:55] Dougs> i knew nascent was new so i didnt expect too much from him
[15:55] [SW]Soulcrusher> go open spots
[15:55] [SW]Soulcrusher> yes
[15:55] Dougs> and that kinda meant i brought my a game
[15:55] Dougs> if i know what to expect i dont care what happens lol
[15:55] [SW]Soulcrusher> join Spongety
[15:56] [SW]Soulcrusher> Viezeharry: Spongety spot
[15:56] [SW]Soulcrusher> if he joi ns
[15:56] Viezeharry> sorry i got PM to join haha
[15:56] [AvA]lanche> Dimoncheg, you selected Invisible Cup mappack, just fyi
[15:56] Dimoncheg> Spongety join
[15:56] [SW]Soulcrusher> Viezeharry join
[15:57] [SW]Soulcrusher> launch
[15:57] [SW]Soulcrusher> have t owait for me
[15:57] [SW]Soulcrusher> wait for me
[15:57] [SW]Soulcrusher> until i get in
[16:01] xtro out
[16:02] [GoD]of_Madness out
[16:08] [GoD]of_Madness in
[16:08] Spongety> dougs host
[16:10] Spongety> :v
[16:11] Spongety out
[16:11] Spongety in
[16:11] [SW]Tacitus out
[16:12] PerfectScript_TAS> gg
[16:13] Zpektrix_TAS> losing patiance in shaman battle middle of the game
[16:14] sonata140 out
[16:14] Kayin> danny ate all attacks xD
[16:14] PolymerTim in
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> it seems you guys dont need tree time when i am 1
[16:15] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[16:15] Kayin> lol no
[16:15] Kayin> trees are very important there
[16:15] Kayin> if not we only get 40 pop at 10 mins
[16:16] Kayin> or less
[16:16] PerfectScript_TAS> for me yes
[16:16] PerfectScript_TAS> didnt realize its already 11.17 pm
[16:17] PerfectScript_TAS> lool
[16:17] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[16:17] Kayin> its 12:17 here
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> so
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> who's one
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> or other map
[16:18] Kayin> me
[16:18] Kayin> no mercy
[16:18] PerfectScript_TAS> umm
[16:18] Kayin> full power attacks
[16:18] Kayin> at start
[16:18] Kayin> xD
[16:18] PerfectScript_TAS> thats my style
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[16:18] Kayin> nope
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> thats mine
[16:18] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[16:18] Kayin> you stil giving us time
[16:19] Kayin> yoshi mercy too much last 2 games
[16:19] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[16:19] PerfectScript_TAS> not for me
[16:19] Zpektrix_TAS> you guys kept killing my shaman
[16:19] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[16:19] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[16:19] Zpektrix_TAS> danny ping
[16:19] Zpektrix_TAS> anyway
[16:19] PerfectScript_TAS out
[16:20] PerfectScript_TAS in
[16:21] Kayin> sec
[16:21] nascent out
[16:22] Kayin> kk
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> noob host
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[16:24] PerfectScript_TAS> i already planned hut perfectly
[16:24] Kayin> omg i forgot
[16:25] Mowgli in
[16:26] Bignoobmanfr in
[16:31] [SW]Soulcrusher> bad game
[16:31] Viezeharry> gg
[16:31] [SW]Chillguy> gg
[16:31] Dimoncheg> gg
[16:31] Viezeharry> have to go
[16:31] Viezeharry> see you laer
[16:31] Viezeharry> later
[16:32] Viezeharry out
[16:33] [SW]Soulcrusher> jimmy spectate
[16:33] [SW]Soulcrusher> k
[16:33] [SW]Chillguy> no ty
[16:33] [SW]Chillguy> hf
[16:33] [SW]Soulcrusher> we r e1v1
[16:33] [SW]Chillguy> kk hf
[16:33] [SW]Soulcrusher> ty
[16:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> wait for
[16:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> me
[16:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> until i get in
[16:34] [SW]Tacitus in
[16:40] Mister_IllusioN out
[16:40] PolymerTim out
[16:41] Mix out
[16:41] Mix in
[16:48] Bignoobmanfr> Bignoobmanfr + Mix vs. [SW]Tacitus + Mowgli
[16:49] Bignoobmanfr> ping
[16:49] [SW]Tacitus> can i host
[16:49] [SW]Chillguy out
[16:50] Mowgli out
[16:50] Mowgli in
[16:50] Mix> ping was fine
[16:50] xtro in
[16:51] [SW]Tacitus> mix can u host him?
[16:51] Mowgli> bignoob can host me
[16:52] Mowgli> nothing happend
[16:52] Mowgli> no one joined
[16:54] Mix> tvb
[16:54] [SW]Tacitus> xtro is bignoobs spot
[16:54] [SW]Tacitus> bro
[16:54] [SW]Tacitus> sry
[16:54] Mix> oh
[16:54] Mix> soz xtro
[16:54] xtro> looz
[16:55] sonata140 in
[16:58] Spongety out
[16:58] Dougs> ggwp
[16:58] jammy> never gonna play outside my host... the change is hard to manage
[16:58] jammy> good host though Dougs
[16:58] jammy> just too used to 1 ping
[16:58] Dougs> lol thanks mate
[16:58] Dougs> yeah it's a big difference for sure
[16:58] jammy> : )
[16:58] Dougs> although i find it hard to blast trick when im host
[16:59] xtro out
[16:59] jammy> yeah higher ping helps in blasts
[16:59] jammy> he was easy tbh, just i kept misclicking a lot
[17:00] jammy> for sure not chichi
[17:02] sonata140 out
[17:03] Dougs> yeah not a pro
[17:07] xtro in
[17:10] bonnez in
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> see
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> trees are op
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> xD
[17:12] PerfectScript_TAS> ggwp
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[17:12] PerfectScript_TAS> 11
[17:12] Zpektrix_TAS> 11 pop
[17:13] PerfectScript_TAS> loool
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> ye
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> shaman including
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> so 10 pop for him
[17:13] PerfectScript_TAS> yep
[17:13] PerfectScript_TAS> i had to demon dismantle
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> i just filled my huts
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> and i had better pop graph
[17:13] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[17:13] [SW]Tacitus> gg
[17:14] Mowgli> gg
[17:14] Mix> gg nothing
[17:14] Mix> u got lucky my pop broken
[17:14] Zpektrix_TAS> bed time for kayin ?
[17:14] Kayin> well i f go to bath first
[17:14] Kayin> i*
[17:14] Zpektrix_TAS> ok
[17:14] Zpektrix_TAS> danny is still playing it seems
[17:14] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[17:16] Bignoobmanfr out
[17:16] Bignoobmanfr in
[17:17] Mix out
[17:17] Mix in
[17:19] [SW]Soulcrusher> ggwp
[17:19] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[17:19] Dimoncheg> ok
[17:19] Dimoncheg out
[17:19] [SW]Soulcrusher> se you
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:20] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:21] Mowgli> [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[17:21] Mowgli> same
[17:21] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:21] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:21] Mister_IllusioN in
[17:22] [SW]Soulcrusher> ok
[17:22] [SW]Soulcrusher> good
[17:22] [SW]Soulcrusher> then
[17:22] [SW]Soulcrusher> lok
[17:22] Mister_IllusioN out
[17:23] Mister_Illusion in
[17:25] Mister_Illusion out
[17:25] Mister_Illusion in
[17:26] Mowgli out
[17:28] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[17:30] Dougs out
[17:30] [SW]Soulcrusher> eating
[17:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> dead f'in pop
[17:31] [Rw]FreeMatt> free matt
[17:32] Mowgli in
[17:33] Mister_Illusion out
[17:35] Mister_Illusion in
[17:36] Mix> spin host game
[17:36] Mix> ?
[17:37] MrSmokin_Hottie26> need a min
[17:37] MrSmokin_Hottie26> secc
[17:40] Pjeter in
[17:42] Mammy_Tas in
[17:42] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[17:43] Kayin out
[17:43] Mix> kayin_tas when
[17:43] Mix> ??
[17:43] Mammy_Tas> when Kay applicate :kekw:
[17:44] Mix> :D
[17:44] Mix> [god]mix when spin?
[17:44] Mix> in next life?
[17:44] Mix> ;kek:
[17:45] Mix> windows no reply---
[17:45] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca broke pop?
[17:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> spin is afk lets kick and get another?
[17:46] Mix> lol
[17:46] Mix> go 6p
[17:46] [SW]Tacitus out
[17:46] Mix> ur not afk thats werid matt
[17:46] Mix> weird
[17:46] Mix> u cant host seem
[17:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea inca broken pop
[17:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> free matt fix pop
[17:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> dont do any dumb shitt koopa
[17:47] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> Hw too good
[17:47] Mammy_Tas> :spin: just joined he is not afk :o
[17:47] Mammy_Tas> hi :bian: :)
[17:47] Mix> bianca too hot
[17:47] PerfectScript_TAS> yea now who want to host it
[17:47] Mix> :O
[17:47] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> Hi :mammy: :slightly_smiling_face:
[17:48] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> Lol mix
[17:48] Mix> hey good evening
[17:48] Mix> log in host 8p bianca
[17:48] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> Soon
[17:48] Mix> bianca do u vote yes for me in god?
[17:48] Mix> :ASD:
[17:48] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> Lol we can Vote on this?
[17:48] Mix> :kek:
[17:49] Mix> my toppest clan so ill be greedy win
[17:50] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> guys
[17:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> spin is afk
[17:50] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:50] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick him and getanother?
[17:51] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:51] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick spin?
[17:51] Mix> lmao matt
[17:51] Mix> he isnt
[17:51] PerfectScript_TAS out
[17:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> hes currently away from keyboard
[17:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> +1
[17:51] [Rw]FreeMatt> please kick
[17:51] PerfectScript_TAS in
[17:51] exlorddeath_tsi in
[17:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> xtro
[17:52] Mix> xtro lags on my host
[17:52] Mix> 40 ping
[17:52] PerfectScript_TAS> if u host Spin
[17:52] PerfectScript_TAS> he'll join rite away
[17:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick spin
[17:52] [Rw]FreeMatt> hes afk
[17:52] Mix> k matt
[17:52] Mix> kicking
[17:52] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:53] Mix> kick matt hes here
[17:53] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:53] Mix> weird he should be afk
[17:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> go 3v3
[17:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> or i afk
[17:53] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:53] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:53] Kayin in
[17:53] PerfectScript_TAS> Kayin
[17:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick mix n gop 3v3
[17:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick spin pls
[17:54] Mix> nornal game plz
[17:54] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse in
[17:54] Kayin> huh
[17:54] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea nothing dumb
[17:54] Kayin> while i bathing
[17:54] Kayin> lol
[17:54] Zpektrix_TAS> its ok kayin
[17:54] Zpektrix_TAS> one of them can be afk
[17:54] Zpektrix_TAS> for sure
[17:54] Kayin> who
[17:54] xtro> hw
[17:54] Zpektrix_TAS> spin launch or check if they are afk man
[17:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Mammy_Tas + Mix + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. PerfectScript_TAS + Zpektrix_TAS + xtro + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[17:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick spin pls
[17:55] Mix> gogogogogog
[17:55] xtro> its your ally
[17:55] Mix> getting food soon
[17:55] Mix> 40 50 min
[17:55] PerfectScript_TAS> me n koopa front
[17:55] xtro> so?
[17:55] PerfectScript_TAS> tsu center
[17:55] PerfectScript_TAS> xtro back
[17:55] [Rw]FreeMatt> remember when inca held an election for the next mod?
[17:56] xtro> you dont must eating now
[17:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> and i overwhelminingly won the election?
[17:56] Mix> ye pop much important
[17:56] Mix> healthy
[17:56] Mowgli> launch, so i can spec
[17:56] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ^
[17:56] xtro> eating at this time
[17:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> and then inca changed teh results of teh election after i won?
[17:56] Mix> true nurse
[17:56] Mix> ?
[17:56] xtro> not healthy
[17:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> everything remember this?
[17:56] Mix> if u hungry play pop
[17:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca electiosn for mod
[17:56] [Rw]FreeMatt> anyone?
[17:57] Mix> omg
[17:57] Mix> im smallest
[17:57] Mix> what a nub position
[17:57] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[17:57] Mix> matt big
[17:57] Mix> he cant get 100 at 10 min
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> refrehsing
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[17:59] [GoD]Spinnifix> let koopa host
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[17:59] xtro> noooo
[17:59] Mix> yea
[17:59] xtro> lets Spin host
[17:59] Zpektrix_TAS> who went back
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca breaking pop
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> for me
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> cuz im too good
[17:59] Mix> good for blast trick
[17:59] [Rw]FreeMatt> spin is afk, kick and get new?
[18:00] Mammy_Tas> spin is active! :D
[18:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> go colors dont matter
[18:00] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[18:00] Mix> spin in god mode
[18:00] Zpektrix_TAS> is spin streaming ?
[18:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw team = insta win
[18:00] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca is afk, kick n get new
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> no one remembers HW getting voted mod?
[18:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca trying to erase history
[18:02] Basz in
[18:02] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[18:02] Zpektrix_TAS> just kick hw
[18:02] Zpektrix_TAS> and let kayin join
[18:02] Mix> kick hw
[18:02] MrSmokin_Hottie26> do an update
[18:02] [GoD]of_Madness> el koopa sucks
[18:02] PerfectScript_TAS> he does koopa
[18:02] MrSmokin_Hottie26> type !update n !beta
[18:02] Zpektrix_TAS> host it spin
[18:02] PerfectScript_TAS> his issue is weird
[18:02] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ???
[18:02] [GoD]of_Madness> :feelsheavyman:
[18:02] [GoD]of_Madness> woah no wheelies
[18:02] Zpektrix_TAS> join mammy kayin
[18:02] Zpektrix_TAS> xtro
[18:02] PerfectScript_TAS> only happen when spin hosting
[18:02] Zpektrix_TAS> HURRY
[18:03] PerfectScript_TAS> he gets 1 ping n cant click in
[18:03] Kayin> if hw really not playing
[18:03] Mix> join kayin
[18:03] PerfectScript_TAS> just come
[18:03] Mix> biancaa
[18:03] Zpektrix_TAS> just come
[18:03] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[18:03] Kayin out
[18:03] Mix> join
[18:03] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> kay will
[18:03] PerfectScript_TAS> yea he gotta change his server first
[18:03] PerfectScript_TAS> :monkas:
[18:03] Zpektrix_TAS> lets not waste time
[18:03] [AvA]lanche out
[18:03] Kayin in
[18:03] [AvA]lanche in
[18:04] Zpektrix_TAS> since we get harder game by kayin coming in
[18:04] Kayin out
[18:04] Kayin in
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> [GoD]Spinnifix + Mammy_Tas + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + Mix vs. PerfectScript_TAS + Zpektrix_TAS + Kayin + xtro
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> me n kayin front
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> tsu center
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> actually
[18:04] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> me n xtro front
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> tsu center
[18:04] PerfectScript_TAS> kayin back
[18:04] Mammy_Tas> Wow I have to fight my clan pretty much :kekw:
[18:04] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> xd
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> i restarted my whoel computer
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> that usualyl works?
[18:05] Kayin> hw want to join?
[18:05] PerfectScript_TAS> omfg
[18:05] Zpektrix_TAS> dude spin
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> one last try kayin
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> then u can take it
[18:05] Kayin> sure
[18:05] Jereon in
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> sorry if this is a me thing
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> more or less an inca thing
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca trying to change history here
[18:05] [Rw]FreeMatt> push me out
[18:05] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> but hw too good
[18:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> push me out with magical 1 ping
[18:06] Mix> hw °1
[18:06] Jereon> Hey guys
[18:06] Mammy_Tas> best :preach: make everyone :sit: :) ?
[18:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> 1 ping for #1
[18:06] Jereon> Ava wanna do swimming again ;)?
[18:06] xtro> my ping lost
[18:06] xtro> sry
[18:06] Zpektrix_TAS> where the fuck is 8th
[18:06] [Rw]FreeMatt> 1 ping #1
[18:06] Zpektrix_TAS> wtf
[18:06] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[18:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Mammy_Tas + Mix + [Rw]FreeMatt vs. PerfectScript_TAS + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + Zpektrix_TAS + xtro
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> g odo a godo map pls
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> like manan
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> battle
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> or wwalls
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> or pp
[18:08] Zpektrix_TAS> seriously
[18:08] Mowgli> is it so hard to spec a good game while im eating xD
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> ej why u kick me
[18:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> thanks inca
[18:08] Zpektrix_TAS> join DANNY
[18:08] Zpektrix_TAS> CMON
[18:08] [SW]Soulcrusher> any problem
[18:09] [SW]Soulcrusher> 1v1
[18:09] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Mix + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + Mammy_Tas vs. Zpektrix_TAS + Kayin + PerfectScript_TAS + xtro
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> now go
[18:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol he gets normal ping
[18:09] Mix> gtg eat soon
[18:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> in my host
[18:09] [Rw]FreeMatt> inca ruin pop
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> who's another troll
[18:09] Kayin> LOL
[18:09] PerfectScript_TAS> Mix ffs
[18:09] Mix> 30 min
[18:09] PerfectScript_TAS> nvm
[18:09] Mix> soz wont ruin game
[18:09] Zpektrix_TAS> now go
[18:09] Jereon> Soul
[18:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> brb 1 min
[18:09] Jereon> 3v3
[18:09] Mix> glhf
[18:09] Mammy_Tas> :bian: saved the day!
[18:10] Mammy_Tas> :D
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> Bian
[18:10] Zpektrix_TAS> go spin
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> which base u want?
[18:10] Pjeter> Tsu
[18:10] [Rw]FreeMatt> remember when i could hsot and magically became a shamen overnight?
[18:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> D]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + Mammy_Tas vs. [GoD]Koopas_Nurse + Kayin + PerfectScript_TAS + xtro
[18:10] Mix> i just spec bianca
[18:10] Basz> sorry soul
[18:10] Basz> for kicking
[18:10] Basz> you can rejoin if yu want
[18:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> danny ur bases
[18:10] Pjeter> Tsuu
[18:10] Basz> we were already in a game
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> me n bianca front
[18:10] Zpektrix_TAS> yo pjeter
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> Kayin center
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> xtro back
[18:10] Pjeter> Matt says he logs in to popre regularly
[18:10] Pjeter> LOL
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> ohh wait
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> me center
[18:10] PerfectScript_TAS> kayin front
[18:10] Mowgli> matt?
[18:10] [SW]Soulcrusher> no
[18:10] Mowgli> real matt?
[18:11] Mowgli> :o
[18:11] Mammy_Tas> nah
[18:11] Pjeter> yes Matt
[18:11] [SW]Soulcrusher> u kick me 100 times
[18:11] [SW]Soulcrusher> so
[18:11] Pjeter> the permabanned one
[18:11] Mix> why permabanned what he did
[18:11] Mowgli> :0
[18:11] Bignoobmanfr> i knew it
[18:11] Mix> lol that sick
[18:11] Mammy_Tas> I had the power once to unban matt if I wanted too :kekw:
[18:11] Basz> +1
[18:11] Basz> harry is also coming
[18:12] Mammy_Tas> Cant anymore :shrug:
[18:12] [GoD]of_Madness out
[18:12] [AvA]lanche> Wow Mammy, I never knew that
[18:12] Pjeter> i bet he might login with the pc of his nephew
[18:13] Viezeharry in
[18:13] [AvA]lanche> hi harry
[18:14] Viezeharry> joooo
[18:14] [AvA]lanche> so much for 3v3 then
[18:14] Mister_Illusion out
[18:14] [SW]Tacitus in
[18:15] [GoD]of_Madness in
[18:17] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[18:23] [D]Doom in
[18:37] [Rw]Shovato in
[18:37] [Rw]Shovato> waddup
[18:38] [GoD]of_Madness> dude why wud u choose that nick knowgin im the one and only sho
[18:38] [GoD]of_Madness> knowing*
[18:39] [GoD]of_Madness> :joseph:
[18:39] [Rw]Shovato> mate this was my nick for like 8 years
[18:39] [D]Doom> lol
[18:40] [GoD]of_Madness> idc take it off. :monkagun:
[18:40] [Rw]Shovato> when you joined popre i had this nickname haha
[18:40] [GoD]of_Madness> lies :monkastab:
[18:40] Mix> hi head
[18:40] [GoD]of_Madness> i was sho before u were born
[18:40] [Rw]Shovato> there is a reason all the rw guys call me shov
[18:41] [Rw]Shovato> hi mix
[18:41] [GoD]of_Madness> what rw guys
[18:41] [GoD]of_Madness> clan ded as fk
[18:41] [GoD]of_Madness> gg
[18:41] Mix> addiction was the only pro of it
[18:41] [GoD]of_Madness> even SW is moer active
[18:41] [Rw]Shovato> same as all the other clans :P
[18:41] [GoD]of_Madness> addiction is fokin ded
[18:41] Mix> ye poor soul
[18:41] [GoD]of_Madness> unless he logged into his sister's acc to fake is death
[18:42] [GoD]of_Madness> :monkamega:
[18:42] [Rw]Shovato> no bad talking about shaun
[18:42] [GoD]of_Madness> guy was a clown
[18:42] Mix> i remember addiction 1v1 me stole wildies
[18:42] [GoD]of_Madness> ngl
[18:42] Mix> lol
[18:43] Mix> in pp
[18:43] [GoD]of_Madness> u mean like the 110% of the mm
[18:43] Mix> i dont do it
[18:43] [GoD]of_Madness> :sus:
[18:43] Mix> im too fair
[18:43] Mix> also bb idont like anymore 2v2
[18:44] [GoD]of_Madness> inca's a faggit.
[18:44] [GoD]of_Madness> all good hes never here :feelssuperhappyman:
[18:44] Mix> :ban: ed
[18:44] [Rw]Shovato> there is no stealing wildies from you enemy you just take them because they belong to you
[18:44] Mix> it was shovato
[18:44] Mix> on my strip
[18:44] Mix> as red
[18:44] [GoD]of_Madness> ye ppl acts as if them wildies had a tribus brand or sumthing
[18:44] [GoD]of_Madness> lmfao
[18:44] [GoD]of_Madness> tribes*
[18:44] Mix> build towers on strip lol
[18:45] Mix> what a funny joke
[18:45] Mix> :clown:
[18:46] [GoD]of_Madness> rip saddiction the sad
[18:46] [GoD]of_Madness> usee to call him that everytime he logged in
[18:46] Mowgli out
[18:46] [GoD]of_Madness> used*
[18:46] [Rw]Shovato> i litterly lost 22 points while sleeping again its so nice
[18:47] michael782000 out
[18:47] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> gg
[18:47] Mix> happneded to me shovato
[18:47] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :king:
[18:47] Mix> for 10 nights
[18:47] [Rw]Shovato> mate it happens to me nearly every day
[18:47] [Rw]Shovato> lol
[18:47] Mix> from 360 im 316
[18:48] [Rw]Shovato> that because you lose all the time
[18:48] Mix> p:fu:
[18:48] xtro out
[18:48] Mix> im losiing stryke rn
[18:48] jammy out
[18:48] Mix> 8 never did record
[18:48] PerfectScript_TAS out
[18:48] Mammy_Tas> nice comeback :kekw:
[18:48] PerfectScript_TAS in
[18:49] Mix> u won mammy??
[18:49] Mammy_Tas> yeah :D
[18:49] Mix> u had 30 pop
[18:49] Mix> nice
[18:49] Mix> or 25
[18:49] [D]Doom> shovato can spin host?
[18:49] [Rw]Shovato> he asked me to host lol
[18:49] Mammy_Tas> #neversurrender
[18:49] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ^
[18:49] Mammy_Tas> 31
[18:49] Mix> yes
[18:49] [D]Doom> or koopa?
[18:49] Mix> never all happens in pop
[18:49] [Rw]Shovato> idc but koopa gives everyone terrible ping but you
[18:49] [Rw]Shovato> lol
[18:50] Zpektrix_TAS> 263 pop
[18:50] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[18:50] [D]Doom out
[18:50] [D]Doom in
[18:50] Mammy_Tas> tsu the super mana power :D
[18:51] MrSmokin_Hottie26> fhk i carried tas hard that game
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> [Rw]Shovato + PerfectScript_TAS + Kayin + [GoD]of_Madness vs. [D]Doom + Zpektrix_TAS + [GoD]Spinnifix + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> i just did bulldozer on kayin's base
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> he saw that
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[18:51] [Rw]Shovato> tsu kaying dont have ping though
[18:51] MrSmokin_Hottie26> bad enuff i got 1 tas on my team
[18:51] MrSmokin_Hottie26> but giving me 2
[18:51] [Rw]Shovato> you want to host spin otherwise they have to relog and shit
[18:51] [GoD]Spinnifix> u host
[18:51] Kayin out
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:52] Kayin in
[18:52] Kayin out
[18:52] Kayin in
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:52] Kayin out
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:52] [GoD]of_Madness> gimme spin
[18:52] Mix> ifu cast a spell when tornado hit ur shaman shaman goes down?
[18:53] Kayin in
[18:53] Kayin out
[18:53] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin
[18:53] Mix> im right?
[18:53] Kayin in
[18:53] Zpektrix_TAS> which server are you on kayin
[18:53] Kayin> NL amster
[18:53] Mix> glitch for tornado
[18:53] Zpektrix_TAS> 01?
[18:55] xtro in
[18:56] Svarog in
[18:57] xtro out
[18:57] xtro in
[18:58] Mix> i noticed when u use ctrl spells smtimes doesnt cast
[18:59] Mix> like blastà
[18:59] Mix> blast:
[19:02] [AsG]Godzilla in
[19:08] [SW]Tacitus out
[19:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> xlurddoodoo
[19:14] Mister_Illusion in
[19:18] exlorddeath_tsi> hw is obsessed with me lol
[19:19] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[19:20] [SW]Chillguy in
[19:20] [SW]Chillguy> +!
[19:20] [SW]Chillguy> +1
[19:22] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> [GoD]Koopas_Nurse + [SW]Chillguy vs. exlorddeath_tsi + Mammy_Tas
[19:22] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> been a while i played 1.01
[19:22] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> fine
[19:22] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> you ok with this map?
[19:23] Mammy_Tas> yeah
[19:23] [GoD]of_Madness out
[19:23] exlorddeath_tsi> 101 :D
[19:24] christo0972 in
[19:24] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> .
[19:24] Mammy_Tas> 1.01 :o
[19:24] [D]Doom> gg wp
[19:24] [D]Doom> lol
[19:24] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> its not launching ..
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> [GoD]of_Madness out
[19:25] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dam that loss musta hit him hard
[19:25] [Rw]Shovato> he was saying he was getting no support
[19:25] exlorddeath_tsi> frozen but can type xd
[19:25] PerfectScript_TAS> ye man fked that
[19:25] PerfectScript_TAS> u all needed support
[19:25] [Rw]Shovato> i mean i was getting 2/3 shamans comming at me all the time what a i supposed to do
[19:25] [D]Doom out
[19:26] [Rw]Shovato> leave my base to die and go over haha
[19:26] [D]Doom in
[19:26] PerfectScript_TAS> n those fkin whining just cba with that
[19:26] [Rw]Shovato> even send him 10 warriors i needed for defense
[19:26] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am?im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am?im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am?
[19:26] [Rw]Shovato> you mean jimmy or abrim is not playing for you
[19:26] [Rw]Shovato> thats why your not that good right now
[19:27] [SW]Soulcrusher> yes
[19:27] Kayin out
[19:29] [D]Doom out
[19:29] [D]Doom in
[19:29] Zpektrix_TAS> yeye need music for popping
[19:31] [SW]Soulcrusher> GUYS DONT COUNT ON ME
[19:32] PerfectScript_TAS> the question is
[19:32] PerfectScript_TAS> has everybody counting on u ?
[19:32] [Rw]Shovato> fix your ping bardi
[19:33] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[19:33] Mister_Illusion out
[19:33] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[19:34] [Rw]Shovato> still not working
[19:34] [AvA]lanche> holy crap that was a long game
[19:34] PerfectScript_TAS> its him
[19:34] PerfectScript_TAS> not u
[19:35] Mister_Illusion in
[19:36] Mister_Illusion out
[19:36] xtro> just w8
[19:36] xtro> wtf
[19:37] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont give a shit
[19:37] PerfectScript_TAS> Koopa in
[19:37] [Rw]Shovato> its that albanian welfare internet
[19:37] [SW]Soulcrusher> sry
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> soulcrusher can i try?
[19:38] [Rw]FreeMatt> yea
[19:38] [D]Doom> baited
[19:38] [D]Doom> lol
[19:38] [SW]Soulcrusher> wasnt it my spot
[19:38] [SW]Soulcrusher> head
[19:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> [Rw]Shovato + [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + Svarog vs. PerfectScript_TAS + christo0972 + xtro + [Rw]FreeMatt
[19:38] [SW]Soulcrusher> fk u
[19:41] Samurai-Murachi in
[19:41] Axton in
[19:41] Samurai-Murachi> yoyo
[19:42] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief in
[19:42] Samurai-Murachi> goeie avond vieze harry
[19:42] Samurai-Murachi> Hi Jasmin
[19:42] Viezeharry> Joooo
[19:42] Viezeharry> nederlander
[19:42] Viezeharry> mooi
[19:42] Samurai-Murachi> hahaha
[19:42] Viezeharry> ik wacht alleen wel op 2 andere
[19:42] Samurai-Murachi> hoe bedoel je
[19:43] [SW]Soulcrusher> change this map
[19:43] Samurai-Murachi> die je kent of?
[19:43] Viezeharry> 2 andere spelers
[19:43] [SW]Soulcrusher> im 0%on it
[19:43] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[19:43] Viezeharry> ja
[19:43] Samurai-Murachi> gezellig
[19:43] Viezeharry> 1tje is even bellen
[19:43] Viezeharry> dus komt zo terug
[19:43] Samurai-Murachi> ook hollanders?
[19:43] Mix> 6p vieze
[19:44] [SW]Soulcrusher> change the map
[19:44] [SW]Soulcrusher> and do a better one
[19:44] Viezeharry> zeker
[19:44] Samurai-Murachi> laggen msn
[19:44] Samurai-Murachi> zo ff 4p potje doen?
[19:44] Samurai-Murachi> spelen jullie al lang?
[19:44] Jereon> Ja
[19:44] Viezeharry> ja is goed hoor!
[19:44] Jereon> Jij?
[19:45] Viezeharry> ik pas 2 maanden haha
[19:45] [SW]Soulcrusher> u goood
[19:45] Samurai-Murachi> en jij dan jeroen?
[19:45] Samurai-Murachi> ik ben ff snel peukie doen
[19:45] [SW]Soulcrusher> ok
[19:46] [SW]Soulcrusher> \+1
[19:47] [SW]Soulcrusher> let mix hod
[19:47] [SW]Soulcrusher> hodt
[19:47] [SW]Soulcrusher> host
[19:48] Viezeharry> i am waiting for 1 other player
[19:48] Mix> we full
[19:48] Viezeharry> toruk no ping :(
[19:48] [SW]Soulcrusher> dont count on me guys
[19:49] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[19:50] Mix> toruk afk
[19:51] [SW]Soulcrusher> ugonna start or what
[19:51] [SW]Soulcrusher> ???????????
[19:51] Viezeharry> i cant
[19:51] Viezeharry> ava no ping
[19:51] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> gg
[19:51] exlorddeath_tsi> gg
[19:51] exlorddeath_tsi> ty for the 1.01 game
[19:51] Mammy_Tas> gg
[19:51] [D]Doom> gg
[19:51] [AvA]lanche out
[19:51] [AvA]lanche in
[19:52] Mowgli in
[19:52] exlorddeath_tsi> why is it restricted ;(
[19:52] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> cuz i wanna win for once :kek:
[19:52] Viezeharry> i am waiting for 1 friend
[19:52] Viezeharry> sorry, join another hut if you want to play now
[19:52] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> not that ill get a 1.01 game with low ranks :kek:
[19:52] exlorddeath_tsi> exactly
[19:52] exlorddeath_tsi> just ally me and do same players
[19:52] exlorddeath_tsi> :D
[19:52] [SW]Chillguy> go Mix
[19:52] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> nah lol
[19:53] [SW]Soulcrusher> ok
[19:53] [SW]Soulcrusher> random
[19:53] [SW]Soulcrusher> just dont quit
[19:53] [SW]Soulcrusher> gogo random
[19:53] [SW]Soulcrusher> a je ne ptrv a ne prishtin
[19:53] Mix> u can play?
[19:55] Viezeharry> wich map?
[19:59] Viezeharry> ja we spelen af en toe met max 4 man
[19:59] Viezeharry out
[20:00] Viezeharry in
[20:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[20:01] [Chf]Jasmin_Chief> Mix, hodt
[20:01] Viezeharry> rond de 30 ook
[20:01] [SW]Chillguy> yoo
[20:01] [SW]Chillguy> sorry guys
[20:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> do
[20:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> not
[20:02] Mammy_Tas> is je vriend al gearriveerd viezeharry :) ?
[20:02] Viezeharry> haha 5 minuten zegt ie
[20:03] Mammy_Tas> Dan is ie onderweg :p
[20:03] Samurai-Murachi> nog meer hollanders
[20:03] Samurai-Murachi> wat gebeurd hier ineens
[20:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> mix ur not fkin understanding
[20:03] Mammy_Tas> de sterkste Nederlander is hier :P
[20:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> crashed
[20:03] Viezeharry> zoo inderdaad
[20:03] Viezeharry> wist niet dat er zoveel waren
[20:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> u not fkin understanding
[20:03] Samurai-Murachi> mammy old names?
[20:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[20:03] Mammy_Tas> mahmut1661
[20:04] Samurai-Murachi> hmmmm
[20:04] Samurai-Murachi> t is allemaal zo lang geleden haha
[20:04] baschaa in
[20:04] Mammy_Tas> oudere naam heb ik niet :p
[20:04] Jereon> :+!:
[20:04] Samurai-Murachi> doe je potje mee hiero?
[20:04] Jereon> +1
[20:04] Samurai-Murachi> mwhahahhaha
[20:04] [Rw]FreeMatt> refreshing
[20:04] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[20:04] [SW]Soulcrusher> do not make me with y
[20:04] [SW]Soulcrusher> u
[20:04] Mammy_Tas> Ik denk niet dat het eerlijk is als ik meedoe
[20:04] [SW]Soulcrusher> i cant do shit
[20:04] Zpektrix_TAS> gg
[20:04] [SW]Soulcrusher> v
[20:04] xtro out
[20:04] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[20:04] Mix> im tired
[20:05] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am?
[20:05] Mix> of hosting
[20:05] Mix> ng
[20:05] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol bardhi
[20:05] [SW]Soulcrusher> idc
[20:05] [SW]Chillguy> what happeend
[20:05] [SW]Soulcrusher> i said
[20:05] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not playing on my pc im playing on my laptop so im not that good that i am
[20:05] xtro in
[20:05] Samurai-Murachi> true
[20:05] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> xd
[20:05] Samurai-Murachi> maarja boeien:D
[20:05] [SW]Soulcrusher> and not understanding
[20:05] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[20:05] Mammy_Tas> prima dan doe ik mee :)
[20:05] Viezeharry> still waiting for that friend
[20:05] Samurai-Murachi> ik hosr de game niet hoor
[20:05] Samurai-Murachi> maar lijkt mij gewoon gezellig toch
[20:06] Samurai-Murachi> we zijn allemaal oud genoeg lijkt me om het voor de leuk te spelen
[20:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> how tf is jasmin spy rank
[20:06] PerfectScript_TAS out
[20:06] Mammy_Tas> dat is het altijd :)
[20:06] [Rw]Shovato> losing
[20:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i lose all the time yet i am fw
[20:06] [Rw]Shovato> or maybe like me losing points at night
[20:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> more like that ye
[20:06] [Rw]Shovato> i lost 22 more this night
[20:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lol
[20:06] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> man i wished i would lose 22 points every night
[20:06] Samurai-Murachi> ik ben ff roken kom naar binnen als de game start
[20:07] [Chf]Jasmin_Chief> High sigma and losing 4 vs 4 games makes me lose points a lot
[20:07] Samurai-Murachi> lol
[20:07] Basz> stop met roken
[20:07] Basz> we starten nu
[20:07] Samurai-Murachi> jep
[20:07] Basz> oh
[20:07] Basz> toch niethahah
[20:07] Basz out
[20:07] Samurai-Murachi> aight
[20:07] Pjeter out
[20:07] Samurai-Murachi> potverdorie aha
[20:07] Basz in
[20:08] baschaa> I don't think Best is fair teams
[20:08] baschaa> What do you guys think?
[20:08] [AvA]lanche> Mammy, I think you are too strong for this hut
[20:08] Basz> +1
[20:08] Pjeter in
[20:08] Mammy_Tas> true
[20:08] Mammy_Tas> the dutch guys invited me :o
[20:09] exlorddeath_tsi> where is my invited
[20:09] Basz out
[20:09] Basz in
[20:09] Viezeharry out
[20:09] Pjeter out
[20:10] Pjeter in
[20:10] Basz> harry is coming
[20:10] Viezeharry in
[20:11] christo0972 out
[20:17] [SW]Soulcrusher> Bian: join
[20:17] [SW]Soulcrusher> Xdd
[20:17] [SW]Soulcrusher> if u minf
[20:18] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> nah lol
[20:19] [SW]Soulcrusher> why u restricted my using ur hut
[20:19] [SW]Soulcrusher> lmao
[20:19] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> i just troll lol
[20:19] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> ik i wont get a game
[20:19] [D]Doom> lol
[20:19] [D]Doom> intrepid no
[20:19] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> playing smth else now anyway
[20:19] [D]Doom> 1.01
[20:19] [D]Doom> dont play that
[20:19] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> its good
[20:19] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> too bad only exists for 2v2 and 1v1
[20:21] exlorddeath_tsi> Doom just hates 1.01
[20:21] exlorddeath_tsi> cuz he wasnt taught it
[20:21] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> cuz no hotkeys
[20:21] exlorddeath_tsi> tru
[20:22] [SW]Soulcrusher> exlorddeath_tsi: 1v1
[20:23] Svarog out
[20:23] [D]Doom> lol
[20:23] [D]Doom> exactly cuz no hotkeys :)
[20:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> hotkrys are better
[20:23] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> dont need them for pop
[20:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> craig use some hotkeys
[20:23] [SW]Soulcrusher> on 1.01
[20:24] [SW]Soulcrusher> i see
[20:24] [SW]Soulcrusher> shaman seleck
[20:24] [SW]Soulcrusher> select
[20:26] [SW]Soulcrusher> join
[20:26] Minibot_UK> [SW]Soulcrusher: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:26] Minibot_UK> exlorddeath_tsi: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:26] [SW]Soulcrusher> \
[20:26] [SW]Soulcrusher> haahahahah
[20:26] [SW]Soulcrusher> shamn not 1v1ing a priest
[20:29] exlorddeath_tsi> do you think that means something lol
[20:29] exlorddeath_tsi> Too easy lol
[20:29] [SW]Soulcrusher> come here :P
[20:29] Axton> ur free
[20:30] Cookie> make trump trump free again
[20:30] exlorddeath_tsi> fine
[20:30] exlorddeath_tsi> go
[20:30] [SW]Soulcrusher> unranked
[20:31] [SW]Soulcrusher> unrank
[20:31] [SW]Soulcrusher> wait
[20:31] [SW]Soulcrusher> i tell
[20:31] [SW]Soulcrusher> launch
Launching game...
[20:32] exlorddeath_tsi> are we going or not
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[20:32] [SW]Soulcrusher> yep
exlorddeath_tsi - MapPack: OK
[SW]Soulcrusher - MapPack: OK
- Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher)
- exlorddeath_tsi: Red
- [SW]Soulcrusher: Yellow
* Unranked Game
Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game results submitted.
[20:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> too lagy
[20:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> 1.01
[20:34] exlorddeath_tsi> u had 50 pop
[20:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> was so bad
[20:34] [SW]Soulcrusher> hit
[20:34] exlorddeath_tsi> ping*
[20:34] exlorddeath_tsi> lol
[20:35] exlorddeath_tsi> its fine
[20:35] [SW]Soulcrusher> yes i know
[20:35] [SW]Soulcrusher> but it was going to lagy
[20:35] [SW]Soulcrusher> maybe 1.5
[20:35] Cookie> make mario bros good again
[20:35] Icefire in
[20:36] Mix out
[20:36] Icefire out
[20:37] Mix in
[20:38] xtro> mix
[20:38] Mix> stfu pls
[20:38] Mix> 4v1
[20:38] Mix> sll om me
[20:38] xtro> stop wasting time on volc and do something
[20:38] Mix> all on
[20:38] Cookie> make make make make mix
[20:38] xtro> 4v1?
[20:38] xtro> wtf
[20:38] Cookie> mix mix
[20:38] Cookie> ain
[20:38] Mix> ye ucould recover
[20:38] Mix> i let spin focus on me
[20:39] Mix> but bad handling
[20:40] [SW]Chillguy out
[20:40] [SW]Chillguy> sguxoj me lu me ty Bardh
[20:40] Mix> need pop break
[20:40] [SW]Soulcrusher> what
[20:40] [SW]Soulcrusher> spo lun kerkush
[20:40] [SW]Soulcrusher> shit
[20:41] [SW]Soulcrusher> bianka spo guxon
[20:41] Icefire in
[20:41] [SW]Soulcrusher> pse dole
[20:41] [Rw]Ninety in
[20:41] [Rw]Ninety out
[20:41] Icefire out
[20:41] [Rw]Ninety in
[20:42] xtro out
[20:42] Mowgli> gg
[20:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw best ever?
[20:42] [Rw]Ninety> yes
[20:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> fast side on orange
[20:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> crumbled
[20:42] xtro in
[20:42] Mix> ye sleeper orange
[20:42] [Rw]Shovato> how did black and red not break trough the right side 1 time
[20:42] [Rw]Shovato> cyans and pinks base was untouched
[20:42] Pjeter> gg
[20:42] Mammy_Tas> gg
[20:42] Viezeharry> thanks for win mammy haha
[20:42] xtro> ye
[20:42] [Rw]FreeMatt> hard wear very very good
[20:42] Samurai-Murachi> gg boyss
[20:42] Mammy_Tas> np :o
[20:42] xtro> untouched
[20:43] Samurai-Murachi> netjes gespeeld mannen
[20:43] [Rw]Ninety> very very good is an understatement
[20:43] Samurai-Murachi> was wel weer ff wennen dit haha
[20:43] Basz> netjes gespeeld
[20:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> best rw player all time
[20:43] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw
[20:43] Basz> jullie waren wel goed
[20:43] [Rw]Ninety> of all clans
[20:43] Viezeharry> ging nog best aardig volgens mij toch
[20:43] Pjeter> blue really did a good resistance
[20:43] [Rw]Ninety> hw would win 1vs3 vs nici supertribe and meph
[20:43] Samurai-Murachi> wel redelijk
[20:43] Mammy_Tas> Tja ik had geen vuurkrijgers gebruikt deze ronde :kekw:
[20:43] Basz> :+1:
[20:43] Jereon> Kom samurai
[20:43] Mammy_Tas> alleen normale krijgers
[20:43] Samurai-Murachi> nee man morgen weer vroeg op helaas
[20:44] Samurai-Murachi> vroeger was t wel anders:D
[20:44] Viezeharry> aaai is goed
[20:44] [Rw]Shovato> vroeger was alles beter
[20:44] Samurai-Murachi> toen kon ik t ook egt
[20:44] Samurai-Murachi> 100%
[20:44] Basz> srry, we need a more balanced game
[20:44] exlorddeath_tsi> :(
[20:45] exlorddeath_tsi> so you let mammy but not not me
[20:45] exlorddeath_tsi> thats messed up
[20:45] Basz> :+1:
[20:45] [AvA]lanche> nobody needs you noob bashing exlorddeath
[20:45] exlorddeath_tsi> But you need mammy noob bashing
[20:45] baschaa> That was a mistake hahaha
[20:45] Jereon out
[20:45] Pjeter> @koopas_Nurse how is Koopa's cholesterol level?
[20:45] baschaa> Was too easy for mammy
[20:45] [D]Doom> lol
[20:45] [AvA]lanche> I didn't invite mammy, and I forced them to do unranked
[20:45] exlorddeath_tsi> and you arent a noob toruk you've been playing longer then ive been alive
[20:45] exlorddeath_tsi> you're just ass
[20:45] [D]Doom> xD
[20:45] [AvA]lanche> I'm shit, but not an ass
[20:45] Mammy_Tas> no the dutch guys invited me
[20:46] [Rw]Shovato> wait how old are you
[20:46] Pjeter> exlorddeath_tsi> and you arent a noob toruk you've been playing longer then ive been alive
[20:46] Mammy_Tas> otherwise I wouldnt had joined
[20:46] [AvA]lanche> 42
[20:46] Pjeter> LOL
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw best all time
[20:46] Basz out
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> did u seet5hat sidfe?
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> epic
[20:46] exlorddeath_tsi> hw is the goat
[20:46] Basz in
[20:46] [Rw]Shovato> i am playing the game since launch am i that old that you werent alive
[20:46] [AvA]lanche> hw, why you don't play my map I made for you anymore?
[20:46] exlorddeath_tsi> game is older then me
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> ohhh that was u!
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> mate
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> 1 i cant host
[20:46] exlorddeath_tsi> if you played it since launch then yes
[20:46] [Rw]Ninety> rileys like 19
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> 2 i need a FO hill in middle
[20:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> not that thing u made
[20:47] [Rw]Shovato> well im 33 i am old
[20:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> gimeme that fo hill middle baby!!!1
[20:47] [Chf]Jasmin_Chief> Do 3 vs 3?
[20:47] [Rw]FreeMatt> think u can?
[20:47] [Rw]Shovato> [Rw]Shovato + [ChF]Jasmin_Chief + [GoD]Spinnifix + [D]Doom vs. [Rw]FreeMatt + xtro + [SW]Soulcrusher + [Rw]Ninety
[20:47] [Rw]Shovato> you want island spin?
[20:48] [SW]Soulcrusher> remeber
[20:48] [GoD]Spinnifix> no
[20:48] [SW]Soulcrusher> im not good
[20:48] [SW]Soulcrusher> now
[20:48] [Rw]Shovato> k il take it
[20:48] [SW]Soulcrusher> jasmin beats me
[20:48] Samurai-Murachi out
[20:48] [SW]Soulcrusher> while im playing on mu lapyop
[20:48] [Rw]Ninety> make the goat our island
[20:48] [Rw]FreeMatt> guys
[20:48] [D]Doom> i can be the island
[20:48] [Rw]Shovato> no il do it
[20:52] christo0972 in
[20:54] Pjeter in
[20:55] Cookie> whole gang is here
[20:57] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[20:57] xtro> dont let in this noob at hut
[20:57] xtro> fucking kid without eggs
[20:57] Mix> who
[20:57] xtro> Bardi
[20:58] [SW]Soulcrusher in
[20:58] [D]Doom> ninety quitting?
[20:58] [Rw]Shovato> well that was fun
[20:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> u 2 fighting over land ur both dumb
[20:58] xtro> kick Bardi
[20:58] [Rw]Ninety> sure doom
[20:58] xtro> fucking morron
[20:58] Pjeter out
[20:58] [Rw]FreeMatt> kick both of them
[20:58] [SW]Soulcrusher> stfu
[20:58] [D]Doom> take my spot xtro ill go to gym
[20:58] [SW]Soulcrusher> ted all the place
[20:58] [Rw]Shovato out
[20:58] xtro> play
[20:58] xtro> im not playing with him
[20:58] [Rw]Shovato in
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> im sry
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> no
[20:59] Cookie> dont be
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> idc
[20:59] [Rw]Shovato> cant kick him
[20:59] [Rw]Shovato> ,,,
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> he wanted all
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> the land
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> tf
[20:59] xtro> man
[20:59] xtro> you fucking idiot
[20:59] [Rw]Shovato> there we go
[20:59] xtro> you got on front land
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> stfu
[20:59] [Rw]Shovato> out he goes
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> join
[20:59] Cookie> Thats not how you treat children
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> joinnnn
[20:59] [SW]Soulcrusher> here
[20:59] [Rw]Shovato> [Rw]Shovato + [GoD]Spinnifix + [ChF]Jasmin_Chief vs. Mix + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Ninety
[21:00] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[21:00] Mowgli out
[21:00] Mammy_Tas out
[21:00] [SW]Soulcrusher> think im joking
[21:00] [SW]Soulcrusher> while im playing on laptop and i dont fear t oplay 1v1
[21:00] Mix> oh gin tonic
[21:00] [SW]Soulcrusher> what color
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> ej
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> xtro:
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> what color
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> want
[21:01] xtro> orange
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> wyat
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> what
[21:01] [SW]Soulcrusher> pp
[21:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> u r both t dumb
[21:02] [Rw]FreeMatt> wasting pros time
[21:02] [Rw]Shovato> [Rw]Shovato + [GoD]Spinnifix + [ChF]Jasmin_Chief vs. xtro + [Rw]FreeMatt + [Rw]Ninety
[21:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> thats what i thought
[21:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> dont talk to mutch
[21:02] [Rw]Ninety> dont do gin tonic
[21:02] [Rw]Shovato> why not
[21:02] [Rw]Ninety> im not gonna share island with xtro
[21:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> i ask u 1v1
[21:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> pp
[21:02] [SW]Soulcrusher> what color and u said orange
[21:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> dont curs when u scared to 1v1
[21:03] exlorddeath_tsi out
[21:03] Mix> open 8
[21:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> stupid ass
[21:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> he talks to mutch
[21:03] [SW]Soulcrusher> and when i said 1v1
[21:04] [SW]Soulcrusher> fear
[21:05] Mowgli in
[21:10] christo0972 out
[21:10] [AvA]Piracy in
[21:11] Mix> +1 1v1
[21:11] Cookie> quick game
[21:12] Mix> yes :O
[21:12] Mix> gtg damn
[21:12] Mix out
[21:17] [SW]Chillguy in
[21:27] Pjeter in
[21:28] [SW]Soulcrusher out
[21:30] Pjeter out
[21:31] exlorddeath_tsi in
[21:31] [AsG]Godzilla out
[21:31] Mowgli out
[21:33] [AvA]lanche> gg wp
[21:36] baschaa in
[21:37] Basz> :+1:
[21:39] baschaa out
[21:42] Basz> viezeharry
[21:42] Basz> you are a big pro
[21:42] Viezeharry> hahaha
[21:44] Axton> told you
[21:44] Basz> :P
[21:44] Basz> was joking axton
[21:45] Basz> jugger?
[21:45] Svarog in
[21:45] Basz> sorry exlord
[21:45] exlorddeath_tsi> damn
[21:45] Basz> you are too good
[21:45] exlorddeath_tsi> no you arent
[21:45] [AsG]manl1> :manu:
[21:45] Viezeharry> we want svarog
[21:45] Viezeharry> haha
[21:46] baschaa> He is noob like us
[21:46] baschaa> heheheh
[21:46] exlorddeath_tsi> teutes get in there
[21:46] exlorddeath_tsi> they want ya
[21:46] exlorddeath_tsi> almost lost to teutes in a tournament game you know
[21:46] exlorddeath_tsi> hes pro
[21:50] [Rw]Raver in
[21:55] Pjeter out
[21:57] Shakur in
[21:58] [Rw]Jops in
[21:58] [AvA]Piracy> yo jops
[21:58] [Rw]Jops> yooooo
[21:58] [AvA]Piracy> +1
[21:58] [D]Doom> brb
[21:59] [AvA]Piracy> 6p or 4p?
[22:00] [Rw]Jops> siiiiix.... im in no rush
[22:00] [AvA]Piracy> okkk
[22:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse out
[22:01] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse in
[22:02] [AvA]Piracy> ++1
[22:02] [Rw]Raver> havent played in ages
[22:02] [AvA]Piracy> np
[22:02] [AvA]Piracy> [AvA]Piracy + [Rw]Jops + Shakur vs. [D]Doom + Cookie + [Rw]Raver
[22:02] [AvA]Piracy> teams ok?
[22:03] christo0972 in
[22:03] [D]Doom> no
[22:03] [Rw]Jops> sure
[22:03] [AvA]Piracy> i ally jops if you want
[22:03] [D]Doom> i dont like play with ossur
[22:03] [AvA]Piracy> i ally raver*
[22:03] [AvA]Piracy> oh ok
[22:03] [AvA]Piracy> so tell me the teams
[22:03] [AvA]Piracy> me ossur and shakur?
[22:03] [D]Doom> play with christo, christo take my spot
[22:03] [D]Doom> sorry
[22:04] [AvA]Piracy> [AvA]Piracy + Shakur + christo0972 vs. [Rw]Jops + Cookie + [Rw]Raver
[22:04] christo0972> i m not ready give me 1 min
[22:04] [AvA]Piracy> who wants back base?
[22:04] christo0972> change room
[22:04] [AvA]Piracy> me and?
[22:04] [Rw]Jops> ...me?
[22:04] [AvA]Piracy> okok
[22:04] [Rw]Raver> lol
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> ive never played pop on this latop
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> laptop
[22:05] [Rw]Jops> yeah you eat the pressure at the front first game back
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> hopefully no issues
[22:05] [Rw]Jops> where'd you get a new laptop?
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> CEX lol
[22:05] [Rw]Jops> noice
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> its rtx 2050
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> not amazing but cool
[22:05] [Rw]Jops> I always just assume you in some foreign country
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> lol not right now
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> soon tho
[22:05] [Rw]Raver> getting sick of uk again
[22:05] [SW]Chillguy> for populous prefer to be 30 50 xD
[22:07] [Rw]Shovato out
[22:07] [SW]Chillguy out
[22:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> spin
[22:07] [Rw]FreeMatt> i can train u if u want
[22:07] [AvA]lanche out
[22:07] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse out
[22:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[22:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> big hw
[22:08] [Rw]Ninety> thx for carry hw
[22:08] [Rw]Ninety> too good
[22:08] [Rw]FreeMatt> yes im hot liek fire
[22:08] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse in
[22:09] [Rw]Ninety> bian
[22:09] [Rw]Ninety> u missed the goat in action
[22:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> hw?
[22:09] [Rw]FreeMatt> too good yea
[22:09] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> lool
[22:10] [Rw]FreeMatt> smoked everyone
[22:10] [Rw]Ninety> ninety killed more units
[22:11] [Rw]Ninety> but thats just an avoidable detail
[22:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw did everything
[22:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> early shamen battles, unstoppable
[22:11] [Rw]FreeMatt> people literalyl typed, how do youy kill him!?!?
[22:12] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> tell me more about it
[22:12] [Rw]FreeMatt> then front isde i jsut smashed them with fs's so hard spin decided it was more smart jsut not to build a base the entire game
[22:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> then because spin didnt build a baseit was easy for me to perform an usntable back side lb
[22:13] [Rw]FreeMatt> to witch they collapsed liek a 9/11
[22:14] [D]Doom> intrepid where is your patient?
[22:14] bonnez out
[22:14] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse> dunno
[22:16] [Chf]Jasmin_Chief> go 2 vs 2
[22:16] [Chf]Jasmin_Chief> I'm running short on time
[22:16] [Chf]Jasmin_Chief> maybe fo or something
[22:16] [D]Doom> dont worry intrepid hw dont like play 2v2
[22:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> im so good
[22:16] [Rw]FreeMatt> theres no more games im so good
[22:17] [Rw]FreeMatt> im best 2v2 ever
[22:17] [Rw]FreeMatt> u kidding?
[22:17] [Rw]Ninety> KOC
[22:17] [Rw]Ninety> in 2v2
[22:20] [GoD]Koopas_Nurse out
[22:24] [ChF]Jasmin_Chief out
[22:26] xtro out
[22:27] [Rw]Raver out
[22:27] [Rw]Ninety out
[22:28] exlorddeath_tsi out
[22:28] Artfulpoet in
[22:28] [Rw]Jops> that was pretty bullshit cos soma fixed the teams
[22:28] zababox in
[22:28] [Rw]Jops> "ohh i messed the rotation up"
[22:28] [Rw]Jops> classic move
[22:29] Cookie> lets rematch
[22:29] Shakur> ²²sorry guys i did so bad
[22:29] Cookie> fair teams
[22:29] [AvA]Piracy> I TOLD YOU LETS REDO
[22:29] [AvA]Piracy> CAPS
[22:29] Cookie> .
[22:29] [AvA]Piracy> and you said no
[22:29] [AvA]Piracy> lol
[22:29] Cookie> i got a new trick for you guys
[22:29] [Rw]Jops> i didnt say anything
[22:29] [AvA]Piracy> you could say let's redo
[22:29] [AvA]Piracy> i ask you
[22:30] Cookie> lets do 4p
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> I dont think im playin with you again man
[22:30] Cookie> ;)
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> dude are you serious
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> lol
[22:30] Cookie> you see
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> i said i messed up , my mistake and let's redo
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> you all said no
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> and now lose and complain?
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> again, i didnt say anything
[22:30] Cookie> christo
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> are you ok?
[22:30] christo0972> yes ?
[22:30] Cookie> i can teach you mana trick to be preacher rank
[22:30] [Rw]Jops> It was cookie that say "yeah lets continue" rofl
[22:30] christo0972> hmmm
[22:30] [AvA]Piracy> again , i asked you and you said nothing , other players said go play
[22:31] christo0972> havent time sry
[22:31] [AvA]Piracy> i found the mistake
[22:31] [AvA]Piracy> not you
[22:31] christo0972> lol i play poker for pro experience
[22:31] christo0972> but ty ^^
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> takes so long to get a game anyway, you only noticed after you dropped 3 eq
[22:31] [AvA]Piracy> i dropped anything , you could check game stats
[22:31] Cookie> on walls keep dismantling huts with 1 brave in them, and when you get 2 braves in huts take one of them out and make him build , repeat this procerss keep 1 brave in each hut make others make new huts .
[22:31] [AvA]Piracy> when i paused
[22:31] [Rw]Jops> only had 1 game in me tonight so not going to restart, i probs would have played again but you ruined it
[22:32] Cookie out
[22:32] [AvA]Piracy> dude lol
[22:32] [AvA]Piracy> are you serious
[22:32] Cookie in
[22:32] [AsG]manl1> :joseph:
[22:32] [AvA]Piracy> let's join i ally christo
[22:32] [Rw]Jops> it is what it is, no point getting upset about it
[22:33] Cookie> the mana trick is all about keeping 1 brave in each hut ( on walls) and dismantle keep dismantling them
[22:33] [AvA]Piracy> it is that i found my mistake and i told you redo , you wanted to play anyway and cry when you lost the game . and this is the end of the conversation.
[22:33] Cookie> and each time you get new braves, make them build
[22:33] christo0972> Ossur i got 20 pop more than u
[22:33] Cookie> after 6 minutes i had over 80
[22:33] [AvA]Piracy> +1
[22:33] christo0972> see graph ossur i buil more faster than u ^^
[22:34] Erectronic in
[22:34] [AvA]Piracy> christo you build so fast
[22:34] [AvA]Piracy> but you should train strategy
[22:34] [AvA]Piracy> build is not all on pop
[22:34] christo0972> yeah on 3V3 i havent
[22:34] christo0972> i dt know what my partner want to do
[22:34] Shakur out
[22:34] [Rw]Jops out
[22:34] christo0972> if he full spell or full troops
[22:35] Erectronic> Supongo que es que tienes otro amor
[22:35] christo0972> or protect to recover
[22:35] [AvA]Piracy> [AvA]Piracy + christo0972 vs. Cookie + Erectronic
[22:35] [AvA]Piracy> teams ok?
[22:35] Erectronic> y en nada yo me pienso interponer
[22:35] [AvA]Piracy> map?
[22:35] Erectronic> si tienes quien te quiera mas que yo
[22:35] Erectronic> adios amor y que te valla bien
[22:35] christo0972> sess ?
[22:35] Cookie> no thanks
[22:35] [AvA]Piracy> ok sess
[22:35] Cookie> nah man
[22:35] [AvA]Piracy> ok
[22:36] [AvA]Piracy> so another?
[22:36] christo0972> but give me 3 min
[22:36] christo0972> im not really rdy
[22:36] christo0972> way ?
[22:36] christo0972> 4way ?
[22:36] mister_illusion in
[22:36] [AvA]Piracy> 4way ok?
[22:36] Cookie> yeah
[22:36] mister_illusion out
[22:37] Shakur in
[22:39] mister_illusion in
[22:46] [Rw]FreeMatt> im so good at CoD Warzone my goodness
[22:47] Shakur out
[22:52] Shakur in
[22:53] Shakur out
[22:57] Shakur in
[22:58] Viezeharry out
[22:58] Basz out
[22:58] Svarog out
[22:59] Shakur out
[22:59] baschaa out
[23:19] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[23:23] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[23:23] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all
[23:26] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> Hardware, u play warzone?
[23:26] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI> heard its shit these days
[23:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> HW in hosting spot, so afk
[23:28] [D]Doom> hello tank
[23:28] [D]Doom> :tank:
[23:29] zababox out
[23:29] Artfulpoet out
[23:33] mister_illusion out
[23:33] [D]Doom out
[23:33] [D]Doom in
[23:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> :smorc:
[23:33] [D]Doom out
[23:34] [D]Doom in
[23:35] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ehh
[23:35] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> tomorrow
[23:35] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> bye
[23:35] [D]Doom> bye
[23:35] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[23:40] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[23:45] Erectronic out
[23:46] HexTheRex in
[23:46] christo0972> gg sry soma i suck all the game
[23:47] [AvA]Piracy> christo you did well
[23:47] [AvA]Piracy> but you
[23:47] Cookie> you did good guys
[23:47] [AvA]Piracy> leave always defense towers empty
[23:47] Cookie> i got carried by erectronic 6 times
[23:47] [AvA]Piracy> and don't rebuild def
[23:48] christo0972> i have to clean that mistake yeah
[23:49] christo0972> gn im to tire see u later ^^
[23:49] [AvA]Piracy> yeah gn mate
[23:49] christo0972 out
[23:49] [AvA]Piracy out
[23:50] HexTheRex> any 1v1 today
[23:50] HexTheRex> few players online
[23:55] [D]Doom out
[23:55] [D]Doom in
[23:59] adray_tsi in